After 4 plane rides, 8 in-flight films and countless cups of coffee I made it back to Toronto. Despite the bitter shock of negative degree weather (the temperature when I left Bali was 37C) and the fact that I was wearing sandals with 3 inches of snow on the ground, it was good to be home. I forgot what it was like to understand what is going on, to not have to struggle to communicate with people, to have someone you know waiting at the airport ready to take you to your destination and NOT try to rip you off in the process... Tim Hortons everywhere! Oh yeah, and seeing my family was great too obvi.
However the warm feeling of being on familiar ground was replaced some 48hrs later with the less enjoyable feeling of H1N1. But thanks to the wonders of Tamiflu I bounced back a week later and was ready to take on... NOTHING.
Having booked my flight to the UK for the 21st of January (after having gotten my work visa sorted very quickly) I have been in the very odd position of having nothing to do. I am a housewife with no house, husband or children. I have taken up knitting. This is not a joke. It was all fun and games the first couple of days - catching up on TV, facebook creeping, seeing friends. But with everyone I know off being productive human beings, and after having spent the last four months on the go, it's hard not to feel a little restless. Additionally, it is supremely weird to be away from Hannah for this long. I know, I know, insert your "what are you guys dating now?" jokes here, but when you spend 4 months with absolutely ZERO separation from someone it's a big adjustment when they are all the way on a different continent. For a whole month. Miss ya Jobin!
Coming home is a weird adjustment. It feels as though so much time has gone by, and yet at the same token that nothing has changed. It is much easier to slip back into Canadian life than I had anticipated but I still find myself comparing everything to the trip (I'm sure to the annoyance of everyone I speak to). It's crazy how 4 months can be so influential on your life under some circumstances and go by completely unnoticed under others... All this sitting around and knitting has made me uncharacteristically reflective. I should probably get some fresh air this week?
Regardless, in 9 short days I will be in the UK on the start of our next epic (European) adventure. What awaits us? Your guess is as good as mine! Hopefully we will find gainfull employment quickly so that we can refill our desperate looking bank accounts and get back to our usual highjinx!