After a great night sleep to the noise of the jungle I wake up to a hot sunny day. Being the only person in the lodge is at the same time good and bad. All attention from the servers is on me, but it also means there is no other traveller to talk to!
So breakfast is great, just as all the food here is. At 9am me and Cesar the guide take the boat to the village of Ahuano so we can't are a taxi to start out jungle hike. We start through a secondary jungle and proceed to join a primary jungle. Loads of vegetation and insects. I am told that the animals are scared of humans so it will be very difficult to seem them. The walk is nice and pleasant, but the heat is creeping up and the humidity is high. Let's just say I am sweating buckets. The vegetation is fantastic. Every time something touches me I think it's a snake :-).
Cesar is very knowledgeable and explains to me different trees and plants that all have medicinal purposes. One of the most curious ones is Sangre de Drago, which has sap of the color of blood!
I see grasshoppers, rather large spiders and quite a lot of colorful and noisy birds. A lovely 3h hike which ends up on the side of the Napo river where the lodge canoe is waiting for us. Next adventure is tubing down the river. It's great weather so it feels appealing, but if you see the pictures you will see that the water in this river is not clear but a dirty brown making it slightly intimidating! But after the first 15min I get into the grove and just let the current take me down. We are actually on the river for over 1h and it is great fun!
Once at the lodge, lunch is awaiting, followed by a nice siesta. The evening is just spent talking to the owners of the lodge and reading my book.