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Conner's Big Adventure 2017

Slovenia - Natural Beauty

SLOVENIA | Tuesday, 8 Aug 2017 | Views [800]

As I mentioned before, we didn’t have a car so our experiences with Slovenia’s natural wonders were limited. A very sad thing considering how stunning the country is. Still, we did get to see two incredible places outside of Ljubljana and ... Read more >

Tags: bled, caves, lakes, skocjanske, swimming

Slovenia - City Living

SLOVENIA | Friday, 4 Aug 2017 | Views [663]

Ljubljana is an incredibly easy city to move around in. Though I was a bit sad we didn’t get to see more of the natural side of Slovenia, having a car in the city would have been a complete waste. The bus system in Ljubljana was cheap, clean, efficient, ... Read more >

Tags: bikes, city life, ljubljana, parks, public transportation

Slovenia - Ljubljana Culture

SLOVENIA | Friday, 4 Aug 2017 | Views [599]

Slovenia was a different experience for us because this was the first leg of our journey where we didn’t have a car. Because of that almost all of our experience in Slovenia was in Ljubljana. And that’s ok! Wow, what a city. Natural beauty, ... Read more >

Tags: culture, entertainment, food, ljubljana

Slovenia - The Journey

SLOVENIA | Sunday, 30 Jul 2017 | Views [837]

Slovenia   THE JOURNEY Whoa. First off, let me start by saying that it should be clear to all by now that I will never be able to write a weekly journal. I am apparently struggling to write monthly as we have been in Sicily for ... Read more >

Tags: european train travel, marseille, slovenia, trieste

Photos: Slovenia

SLOVENIA | Sunday, 30 Jul 2017 | Photo Gallery

Ljubljana mostly
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Spain - Cities, Food, and Beaches

SPAIN | Wednesday, 28 Jun 2017 | Views [801]

Cities, Food, and Beaches I talked about Valencia and Madrid in Part 1, as well as a bit of Vera. Now I will tell you a bit more about Vera as well as the surrounding towns and cities. Vera is a small town, and it feels like a small town. Shop ... Read more >

Tags: almeria, beaches, cartagena, cities, food, spain, vera

Spain - Living Small

SPAIN | Thursday, 22 Jun 2017 | Views [620]

Living Small One thing we are getting used to more and more as we go along is living smaller. Smaller living space, smaller luggage, even in terms of living more locally. These are all things that I am, for the most part, enjoying. We started by staying ... Read more >

Tags: apartments, cities, living small, towns

Spain - The People

SPAIN | Thursday, 22 Jun 2017 | Views [968]

The People We Met We had plenty of neighbors in Vera, but we only ever met one of our neighbors in our own apartment building (not counting the occasional “Hola” as you pass by in the halls). He was an older gentleman named Carlo who lived ... Read more >

Tags: people, shopping, vera, vera playa

Spain - Part 1

SPAIN | Tuesday, 30 May 2017 | Views [686]

Spain   The Journey Week one was absolute madness!! Of my own doing of course, but still…. It started when we woke up at 4:00am so we could make the drive to Zagreb to catch our flight to Valencia. Conner was strangely wide ... Read more >

Tags: madrid, navigating, spain, travel, valencia, vera

Photos: Spain

SPAIN | Sunday, 28 May 2017 | Photo Gallery

Vera, Madrid, Valencia, Cartagena
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Croatia - Natural Wonders

CROATIA | Wednesday, 17 May 2017 | Views [901]

NATURAL WONDERS While in Croatia we visited two of the national parks and they were even more stunning than I imagined. The first park we visited was Krka National Park. In my dreams I have never imagined so much water in one place. Croatia is a very ... Read more >

Tags: croatia, krka, national parks, natural wonders, plitvice

Croatia - The Food

CROATIA | Wednesday, 17 May 2017 | Views [1916]

THE FOOD The food we tried was generally pretty simple, but incredibly well done and inexpensive. A cheap “fast food” meal of sandwich and fries cost about 20 Kuna which is about $3. A three course meal at a nicer restaurant cost between ... Read more >

Tags: croatia, cuisine, food

Croatia - The People

CROATIA | Wednesday, 17 May 2017 | Views [799]

THE PEOPLE  The people in Croatia were a mystery to me at first. I had heard many people say that Croatian people were some of the friendliest they had ever met, but as we walked around Zadar there were very few people smiling and no one really ... Read more >

Tags: croatia, people, zadar

Croatia - The Cities

CROATIA | Wednesday, 17 May 2017 | Views [757]

THE CITIES Zagreb My first impression of Croatia was “Wow, it sure is quiet and serene for being at an international airport?” We were surrounded by lush greenery and only one road that we could see. It was beautiful! My second impression ... Read more >

Tags: cities, croatia, split, zadar, zagreb

Photos: Croatia part 2

CROATIA | Monday, 15 May 2017 | Photo Gallery

See all 27 photos >>

Photos: Croatia

CROATIA | Sunday, 14 May 2017 | Photo Gallery

Zagreb, Zadar, Krka National Park, and Plitvice National Park
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Croatia - The Journey

CROATIA | Sunday, 14 May 2017 | Views [749]

THE FLIGHT Holy crap!! We survived, and we did it quite well I say. 25 hours from Auckland, NZ to Zagreb, Croatia. Thank god we weren’t flying with any of the US airline companies. Qatar airways was so much more enjoyable in every aspect than ... Read more >

Tags: croatia, qatar airways, zagreb airport

NZ - North Island Part 3 - The People

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 22 Apr 2017 | Views [801]

We were warned before we ventured North that the inhabitants of Northland, the northernmost province in New Zealand, are of a different variety. By this I am guessing they were referring to the observation that shoes and shirts are entirely optional, ... Read more >

Tags: football, kiwis, manganui, new zealand

NZ - North Island Part 2 - The Beaches

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 22 Apr 2017 | Views [713]

THE BEACHES Tokerau beach is in the picturesque Doubtless Bay on the Karikari Peninsula, Northland, New Zealand. Gentle surf and gradually declining beaches made for a very safe play area for Conner. Even better, it took less than two minutes to walk ... Read more >

Tags: 90 mile beach, cape reinga, matai beach, tokerau beach

NZ - North Island Part 1 - The Bach

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 22 Apr 2017 | Views [646]

THE BACH This “traditional Kiwi bach” was both homey and quirky. Surrounded by a wide green lawn and a massive wrap around deck, the outside was perfect for hanging out and playing. Also, there was a playground right outside our front ... Read more >

Tags: bugs, kiwi bach, toys

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