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Conner's Big Adventure 2017

Trip: Spain

There are [5] stories from my trip: Spain

Spain - Cities, Food, and Beaches

SPAIN | Wednesday, 28 Jun 2017 | Views [800]

Cities, Food, and Beaches I talked about Valencia and Madrid in Part 1, as well as a bit of Vera. Now I will tell you a bit more about Vera as well as the surrounding towns and cities. Vera is a small town, and it feels like a small town. Shop ... Read more >

Tags: almeria, beaches, cartagena, cities, food, spain, vera

Spain - Living Small

SPAIN | Thursday, 22 Jun 2017 | Views [620]

Living Small One thing we are getting used to more and more as we go along is living smaller. Smaller living space, smaller luggage, even in terms of living more locally. These are all things that I am, for the most part, enjoying. We started by staying ... Read more >

Tags: apartments, cities, living small, towns

Spain - The People

SPAIN | Thursday, 22 Jun 2017 | Views [968]

The People We Met We had plenty of neighbors in Vera, but we only ever met one of our neighbors in our own apartment building (not counting the occasional “Hola” as you pass by in the halls). He was an older gentleman named Carlo who lived ... Read more >

Tags: people, shopping, vera, vera playa

Spain - Part 1

SPAIN | Tuesday, 30 May 2017 | Views [686]

Spain   The Journey Week one was absolute madness!! Of my own doing of course, but still…. It started when we woke up at 4:00am so we could make the drive to Zagreb to catch our flight to Valencia. Conner was strangely wide ... Read more >

Tags: madrid, navigating, spain, travel, valencia, vera

Photos: Spain

SPAIN | Sunday, 28 May 2017 | Photo Gallery

Vera, Madrid, Valencia, Cartagena
See all 58 photos >>