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Sucre to Uyuni

BOLIVIA | Tuesday, 22 January 2008 | Views [559] | Comments [1]

We are here in Uyuni and in a half an tour we will be offroading to the famous Salar de Uyuni.  We almost didnt make it yesterday.  This season is a really bad time to come here since we are in the altiplano, which is a desert, and this is the rainy season.  Since the roads are all dirt this is a problem, the road passes through riverbeds which now are full of rapidly running water.  Our coach bus drove through 4 actual rivers, screw bridges I guess. At one point in the journey we had to stop because there was another coach bus ahead of us stuck in the mud and they had to get people to push and a jeep to pull it out.  Our driver literally floored it so we wouldnt have the same problem.  We ran across two others that were stuck or had to change a flat.  Then we had to stop and change a flat.  I really didnt think we were going to arrive. The ride was as beautiful as it was dangerous, there were llamas all over the place, subsistance farmers, mountains of all different colors, it looked like a different planet. I have a bunch of pics to upload when we get to La Paz. 

We are staying in a hostel that is just a place to sleep and nothing more, this town is absolutly tiny and there are more hippie tourists than acutal habitants of the town.  Its like nothing ive ever seen.


Tags: Adrenaline



Hey Jessica!
Bill shared the address to your blog with me and its been awesome reading where you have been and what you are up to. All of us at the Seeds Building can't believe you ate a meat sandwich from a lady on a bus, ha! Bill is in Mendoza, Argentina right now but returning on Friday and we got another huge snowstorm over the weekend, you are really missing out.....
Take care!

  Leah Jan 24, 2008 6:56 AM



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