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Wanderlust We've set up this journal so our friends and family can live vicariously through our insatiable wanderlust.

More Photos

USA | Thursday, 27 Nov 2008 | Views [249]

Patrick's photos were too large to upload on this site, so please go to: www.flickr.com/photos/32473600@N04/

Some Photos Added

USA | Tuesday, 4 Nov 2008 | Views [259]

Just to let everyone know~ I've put up some photos~~ someone I know, whose name I won't mention, still hasn't added any of theirs.. hahha.  Seriously, we have TONS of pics~ if you're interested in something in particular and want to see more~ let me ... Read more >

Hong Kong Phooey

USA | Saturday, 25 Oct 2008 | Views [350]

Hong Kong is so much like NYC~ one of the most beautiful skylines I've ever seen~ amazing public transportation and fabulous shopping.  That pretty much sums it up~ we did alot of walking around (sightseeing, etc), took the Star Ferry across Victoria ... Read more >

Bangkok: Buddhas, Baubles, & Baht

USA | Monday, 20 Oct 2008 | Views [518] | Comments [3]

I can't decide if I like Bangkok or not.  I love Thailand, but Bangkok is ....well... a little dirty...in more ways than one.  I've taken at least 3 showers a day since we've been here, not including pool dips and I still feel covered in grime.  There ... Read more >

Holiday In Cambodia

USA | Thursday, 16 Oct 2008 | Views [482] | Comments [3]

Hey! We're in Cambodia now~ it's so beautiful here... hard to accept just how amazing it is what with the fact that it's a 3rd world country and we're staying in a luxury hotel... but anyway, it's a much deserved vacation and we're enjoying every minute ... Read more >

So far.. so good!

SINGAPORE | Saturday, 11 Oct 2008 | Views [330]

Our time in San Fran was short and sweet~ we got to eat at my favorite crepe restaurant, Ti Couz on 16th & Valencia and the next night before we left for the airport, we met up with Dave & Dina at Maxfields (the bar in the Palace Hotel).  Maxfields ... Read more >

1st Leg

USA | Tuesday, 7 Oct 2008 | Views [301] | Comments [3]

So, tomorrow morning we leave for San Francisco ~ excited to meet up with Dave & Dina out there!!! Thursday morning (1:20am) we'll be on the flight to Singapore.  We'll be in Singapore for 3 days, then Bangkok for a week (during which time 2 days ... Read more >

Gallery: Asian Excursion

SINGAPORE | Tuesday, 7 Oct 2008 | Photo Gallery

We'll just keep adding to this folder and then sort them out when we get back home.
See all 66 photos >>

Gallery: Costa Rica 2006

COSTA RICA | Tuesday, 7 Oct 2008 | Photo Gallery

a sampler
See all 14 photos >>

About fishpaw

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