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Limbo-living for beginners...

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 4 Apr 2011 | Views [304]

I've moved to England. Kinda. Sorta. Maybe?? Well I'm here and while on the one hand still living out of one suitcase and have no idea where I'm going to be living in 3 weeks, on the other hand, working 9-5, paying bills and struggling to find a ... Read more >

Tags: celta, england, limbo-living


MEXICO | Saturday, 1 Jan 2011 | Views [343]

When my boyfriend tries to placate me, I call him "Chamberlain", and when I'm particularly combative, he calls me "Churchill".  I was combative today, but with none of the good reasons Churchill had... I'm having difficulty adjusting ... Read more >

Tags: 108, churchill, ocd, resolutions, sun salutations

Half way out of the dark...

USA | Tuesday, 28 Dec 2010 | Views [513]

This year has been...well...complicated. In my oppinion however, "complicated"  has a bad wrap, and while, a little over a year out from my "aha"  moment that drove my itchy feet out of Mexico I still have NO idea how (when, WHERE) ... Read more >

Tags: blogging, bread, handwriting, job, long-distance, pretty things, to-do, yoga

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