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There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "modern art".

Porto Alegre, Brazil

BRAZIL | Friday, 28 Nov 2008 | Views [3934] | Comments [1]

We arrived in Rio's Novo Rio bus station at about 3 in the afternoon, over 2 hours after leaving Copacobana. The reason for the delay was a torrential rainstorm. We had had a lot of rain in Rio but things had certainly stepped up a notch. Our destination ... Read more >

Tags: buffet, gaucho, ipod, modern art, natural disaster

Tudo bem en Rio de Janeiro (Part 3)

BRAZIL | Tuesday, 25 Nov 2008 | Views [1848]

On the tour we also met a few more people, Justin, another professional traveller, this one a Kiwi, on his third round the world (RTW), Sylvia, a Slovakian kids clothes designer and Olivier a French civil engineer who had just started their RTW in ... Read more >

Tags: cbd, football, hippies, live music, modern art, urinal

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