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There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "attempted robbery".

Beware the manager and the ceiling fan

LAOS | Wednesday, 22 Apr 2009 | Views [2268]

There are various strategies to finding a guest house and most of ours involved avoiding the hawkers as much as possible. We had liked the sound of Mekong, a place by the river mentioned in both LP and RG. A For Sale sign ... Read more >

Tags: attempted robbery, injury, sok dee guesthouse, visa, waterfall

Tudo bem en Rio de Janeiro (Part 2)

BRAZIL | Saturday, 22 Nov 2008 | Views [2242]

Installed in new room and now with the prospect of decent sleep it was time to get out there and see a bit of the town. Normally we would be the last to go on one of these “city tours” that are organised by the hostel but because we didn't know our ... Read more >

Tags: attempted robbery, cable car, cathedral, jesus, missionary, stadium, sugar loaf

Bolivia - La Paz to Uyuni

BOLIVIA | Tuesday, 4 Nov 2008 | Views [5456]

As we were in the taxi to the bus terminal in La Paz I noticed something funny about the "hippy" bag I had bought. It had a quite large hole in the side, and not the type of hole you get from overuse. It was a very precise cut designed to allow ... Read more >

Tags: attempted robbery, bolivian army, dogs, marching band, train

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