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Arequipa to Cusco

PERU | Monday, 6 October 2008 | Views [1595]

We woke up with terrible hangovers following the Pisco Sour fuelled excesses of the previous night. I suppose after 2 weeks of relative good behaviour we needed to blow some steam off. But it still felt horrible. We stumbled to a cafe to have a sandwich and sort our heads out with electrolyte replacement powders, resolve and vitamins. We then needed to go shopping for stuff that we now know we need for trekking. Claire needed a wide brimmed hat. We were also a head torch light and Claire desperately needed standard issue trousers that the legs come off and turen into shorts. Oh and I thought that a pair of binoculars would be handy. Or maybne a monocular just to be different.

So we headed down to the market (off frog juice fame) for the hat. A lovely camouflage number was purchased and has noçw become known as the magic hat due to its restorative properties in dealing with hangovers. As we strolled about looking for a gear shop for the other stuff (no Kathmandus in Peru I´m afraid!) Claire pointed out a barbers. She had suggested that it was time for the beard to go, and I agreed. For the princly some of 5 soles, u8ndr a pound I have teh bext shave I think I ever had. Even givbes Trumpers  of Jermyn Street a run for its money (although there was not a hot towel or even a bit of hot water to be found).

Manged to acquire all our bits and bobs before the ardusous tasks of repacking all the freshly laundered trekking clothes. Then with a sigh we had to leave Arequipa, but safe in the knowledge that the next destination, Cuzco would be pretty cool too.

Got by far the most comfortable bus so far and arrived at 6am this morning, feeling ok but still in need of a few hours sleep before wandering around. Loh and behold there was an army band procession to greet us in the plaza de armas first thing. We´re so lucky with the timing of eveything. Cuzco looks like tis gonna be fun....

Tags: arequipa, bus, cuzco, hangover, shave


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