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Posh Backpackers On Wheels Grace and Marie Therese's Round-the-World Adventure

Sao Paulo and Flopatropolis

BRAZIL | Saturday, 20 February 2010 | Views [1111]

It was a sweet reunion with Macaco boy and Kris, Sunny Sao Paulo!!

Apologies as we write this, there’s a few internal jokes, we are shattered from all the
busses, Parties and  the odd Caipirinia hahahahahahahah (Get it) Our day in Sao Paulo started with the hunt for a natural sandwich, we searched up high and down low and eventually had to agree to share half an unnatural one… After an unnatural sandbo Macaco took us for a ride on Harley. We finished off the night with bevies and food in the local….
Back on the bus, Headed South for Florianopolis, for sunshine and fun!!! Twelve hours later we arrived at sunset backpackers with no reservation, but sure who wouldn’t want the Posh Backpackers staying at their hostel, we checked in, headed for the beach to check out the  surf….. Later we arrived back at the hostel timed well for our free Caipirinia!!! Met some new friends and went for diner with a Yankee Doodle from Philly and a Firefighter from Canada….. Danced the night away at Samba/Forro club by the beach…..

Went surfing in the morning and later joined the gang for Samba school, where they were getting ready for Carnival, We danced the night away and sweated like dogs (attractive)….. The sober nannies headed back to the hostel after, while everyone else continued to party at another club….

The next day we went to see a waterfall, similar to Iguazu falls hahahahah

We dragged Philly and a new Canadian with us on the boat, the boys were in their element at the waterfall, thinking they were models and us their agents, Calender coming in 2011…..     On a tight budget, we decided to cook some noodles for diner, instead of joining the Barbeque, As we were cooking the staff came in and gave us a yummy plate of barbeque food, guess who were their favourites!!!!! Later, all set for a beach party that never materialized cause of one problem there was only two up for going down (the two sober nannies) We chilled at the hostel instead and caught up with new friends, one being a birthday girl from Chile called Paola, in our finest Kerry accents we gave a fabulous rendition of Happy Birthday, the next was a girl called Kelly and she was a gal with the most interesting rules when out looking for a man,

Pink Jobs (jobs for the ladies)CookingCleaning Hoovering (you have to take off the nuzzle and hover the skirting, men never do that)Ironing
BlueJobs (Jobs for the boys)
Putting out the binsFixing the car Car tax and InsuranceCarrying heavy bags

Most importantly of all, men aren’t allowed to do any pink jobs at all. Another girl to chat to us all the way from Perth Australia, was Lea, she had some wild stories, one being her shaving her Fathers eyebrow while he slept!!!!  We laughed so much all we were picturing was doing it to Paddy Frank and James King… hahahaha watch out papas!!!

Spent the next day at the beach waiting for the bus to Sao Paulo. On the 12 hour bus from Florianopolis to SP we were just taking out our sheets to have a little cat nap, we decided that later on when everyone else were sleeping we would put the sheets over our heads and turn into ghosts and walk up and down the aisle of the bus going “hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo”Were meeted and greeted by Macaco Boy. Picked up Kris and headed to his open air office where we chilled for the afternoon. Then the posh backpackers were cheuffered to a bloco (a party on the street) where we met Googoo and Co.

(This one's for you Joana...)

Had some gorgeous feijoada, drinks and danced samba before going to the open air bar with the most fantastic view of Sao Paulo...

so we felt like really posh backpackers sipping our caipirinias on the roof. So hopped on our bus for our next CARNIVAL adventure…so STAY TUNED!!!



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