Left our little family at Alpha Hostel... And headed for Salvador-Bahia. Took a flight which was delayed and ended up staying at the free Accomodation - Airport seats not the most comfortable would not recommend it (unless you want to save 8 euro). Made our way to the hostel, and at 9 in the morning Salvador was already hopping. Music, art, and lots of dancing till early hours. Met looooads of new FRIENDS (we consider anyone who talks or gives us an email a new friend). Queued in a bank for 2 hours to change some cash, to realise we hadn't brought our passports, so had to get them and re-queue for another 2 hours.... But before you start feeling too sorry for us, looking all pissed-off walking the streets and missing Rio, two Capoeira guys (Capoeria = Brazilian martial arts/dance played with live music) came to our rescue. Oh what a show!
Went to a free samba/salsa concert in the streets at night with our new friends from the hostel. Lots of beers, craic and dancing!
Headed for a picturesque Island called Morro De Sao Paulo the next day, where we've been enjoying the sunshine, and just chilling. Did a bit of surfing today. We don't feel like backpackers at the mo. All we're missing are two STALLIONS, this is the most idyllic honeymoon destination we've seen.
Photos will follow when the internet connection improves. Stay tuned for more from the Posh Backpackers!