I'm not sure if it's part of city planning or some rare conincidence that happens all the time, but various stores of particular type seem to all be in certian area's. to provide examples, on my walk to the Lourve the other day I came across a street that that had an an african hair salon ever 3 or 4 stores, on both sides of the street . Along the river a short time later, Pet stores. Near where i'm staying its marriage related stores. Perhaps i'm just over thinking things...
Day 3: Made the trip out to the Arc de Triomphe, it's at this point I begin to understand the chaos that is the Paris Metro, when I first looked at the map for the metro I had no idea what I was looking at, but i've come to understand it as more of a very ordered, stream-lined chaos. A combination of mazes within mazes, once you understand it's order it all becomes clear. Anyway, while trying to figure out how to the Arc de Triomphe without running across the multiple lane roundabout, I came across two older ladies from the sunshine coast, Heather and Carol, trying to figure out the same thing. We teamed up and venured the only way that made sence, down, into the Metro once more, where the order behind the metro came into affect once more, pay attention to the numbers and follow the signs, always follow the signs.

Afterwards I headed to La Defence, I saw the huge square buiding in the distance from the Eiffel tower the other day and wanted to check it out. The Metro ticket I had purchased earlier had got me back into system near the Arc de Triomphe, however I found could not get me past the gates at La Defence. Luckily for me this must be a regular thing because there were a handful of younger gypsies more than willing to pass me their own ticket in return for some coin. Overall, however , I was expecting more from La Defence, more than a shopping district with a fancy giant square building.
Day 4: I decided to head out to Dôme des Invalides, which contains Napoleon I's tomb, and the war museum attached to it. Both were quite good, the museum had a lot of what you'd expect from a war museum. Looking upon the ball turret of a B-17 was particulary scary, considering ball turret gunners never lived very long. Afterwards I headed back to the hostel to relax the rest of the day away, I'm heading to Brussells and Amsterdam tomorrow morning.