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Czech Republic

There are [0] photos and [2] stories about Czech Republic


Thursday, 8 Aug 2013 | Views [408] | Comments [1]

  Prague: Prague is similar, in my opinion to Amsterdam, except is hasn't sold its soul to the tourist masses. Sure, there are tourists here, quite a lot of them in fact, but you won't see any neon lights or anything like that, except at the ... Read more >

Tags: bone church, prague

Single-Serving Friends

Saturday, 3 Aug 2013 | Views [341] | Comments [1]

Single-serving friend: (from the movie Fight Club) A "friend" you meet once, for example on a plane, and never see again. "Tyler, you are by far the most interesting single-serving friend I have ever met." Hostel life can be very similar. Everyone ... Read more >

Tags: single-serving friends



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