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There are [0] photos and [3] stories about Italy


Thursday, 29 Aug 2013 | Views [496] | Comments [1]

I decided to go to Florence on a recommendation from my French Swiss roommate in Rome,  Noe, thanks mate, this place is awesome. The hostel, Archi Rossi,  is great, not quite a party hostel(no real bar) but big and open enough that its ... Read more >

Tags: florence


Thursday, 29 Aug 2013 | Views [496] | Comments [1]

 Just a note: I'm no longer uploading photos here becaause it's to much of a pain in the ass on the tablet. If i get some time on a real computer then I might upload some then. I took a high speed train from Venice to Rome, the journey itself ... Read more >

Tags: naples, pompeii, rome


Tuesday, 20 Aug 2013 | Views [432] | Comments [1]

After a pretty awesome 10 hour trip through the mountains of Austria and north Italy I made it to the campground outside of Venice where I'll be spending the next three nights. This campground is the complete opposite to the apartment hostel in Vienna.... Read more >

Tags: one month!, venice



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