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Moving in Stereo

Departure and postscript

MOROCCO | Friday, 1 April 2016 | Views [596] | Comments [1]

Camel Walk

Camel Walk

No sleep. I rolled around in the bed for a few hours but I don't think I slept very much. Due to the shit that went down in Brussels they said I had to be at the airport 3 hours before departure. So I had to be up and out fairly early.
Except I really didn't need to get there 3 hours early in the end. I was through security, passport checks and by the gates in a half hour. Then I got an alert on my phone that the flight would be delayed because of a French air traffic strike. Ended up at the gate for 3 hours. Not cool man. Food options in the airport seriously lacking, I have no more dirhams because I converted it back to dollars before leaving the hotel, and since yesterday I've noticed people's ability to speak English has dwindled drastically. Not that that's their problem, it was my problem. I had questions and couldn't get answers. And I wanted a sandwich without cheese or tuna. First world problems. Obviously Grumpy russel is taking hold.
So I breathe, eat my ham sandwich, and remind myself to chill. That kind of worked. (Did you catch that, Ham sandwich... In Morocco! Not that it was any good)

I packed only one piece of reading material besides travel guides and that's Mindfulness magazine. I packed it cause I figure I can use more mindfulness in my life, a little meditation, and presence. I basically ignored it the whole trip, but on this flight to London I finally started reading it. I felt like I needed a reminder to chill.
I also have this beat making/sampling app on my phone that my friend Etienne swears can do some things that I wanted to do. I finally figured out how to use it, and you're right E, it is pretty easy to do. I started messing with a Flaming Lips track, chopping it up and reorganizing it.

The highlight of the flight was Seeing Tangier and Gibraltar from the sky. Nice way to cap off the trip.
So I mentioned earlier that my first flight was delayed. I made the mistake of booking the flight from London to NY a little close so this delay had me a bit worried I wouldn't make my connection in time. I figured I had to get out of customs, switch terminals, check into my next flight, and through passport checks and all in time to board. As we got closer to London I began Praying to the unicorn as I never have before, and practicing my breathing (thanks mindfulness). If you're wondering, praying to the unicorn basically involves thanking the unicorn for all good that it has witnessed in my life, and asking the unicorn to witness me making it on time through these next obstacles.

I was the First off the back of the plane, driven to the south terminal , where I was able to go through customs with no lines. I explained my situation and the lady just stamped my passport and directed me to where I need to go. Then as I came around the check In there was a huge line. I asked the unicorn (in the form of a security guard) if this was where my airline was lining up and he said no, and pointed to a clearing. I was able to Self check in at a machine. Then the screening line was quick too. Now I'm thanking the unicorn, out loud.
Cause I have time for
I was hungry and there was a ramen spot in the airport. As much as I enjoyed the food of Morocco I didn't realize how much I missed ramen. I kept forgetting that I was now in England, an English speaking country. I would say "permiso" or "pardon" instead of excuse me, and wanted to say shokran instead of thank you.
And now I'm On board with time to spare. So don't forget, breathe, and thank the unicorn.
I stayed up the whole 7.5 hour flight, watching documentaries about Tea, Rome, and the movie Suffragette. All pretty informative.
Then back to New York. Hanging with the fam.
This was a great trip. I met lots of good people, saw lots of new places. Traveled by plane, train, boat, bus, and car. I walked a lot. Stayed at hostels, hotels, a bus, a tent, and a home. Learned about history and other cultures. Spent time in cities, villages, mountains, on multiple coasts, the desert. I went to Africa and experienced life in a Muslim country, although to be fair Morocco is pretty liberal and pro-America comparatively speaking. Or so I am told, by the Moroccans and other travelers I met along the way.
Some people are surprised to find out I travel alone but I really thrive on it. I don't have to wait for anyone, can stay up or stay in when I want. Eat where and when I feel like. Traveling solo makes it easier to meet new people. It allowed me the time to keep this journal going and I'm really happy that I was able to write the entire time. There were moments that I would have liked to share with specific people and in all fairness traveling with others would have meant I might have had other good experiences. I still spent time with others and followed their lead which took me out of my element and allowed me to see or do things I wouldn't have sought out on my own.
If you have the ability or opportunity to go to Morocco I strongly endorse it. Do some research ahead of time, but don't book too many things in advance as I did this trip. I have traveled without an itinerary before and there are some stresses, hustles, and drama involved, but it's nice to go where and when you want. The biggest disadvantage to booking in advance is that I wasn't able to join others when I wanted unless they were going to the same destination as me. By booking in advanced I sometimes paid less than others and sometimes paid more, so in the end it all evens out.
And most importantly people are pretty much the same everywhere. They may believe in one fairy tale book or another which guides certain cultural practices, but we generally have the same needs and desires. Appreciate whatever you have cause someone somewhere doesn't. Appreciate where you are cause someone somewhere wishes they could be there or anywhere else but "here".

Postscript ; This "journal" was typed entirely on my phone, while on the road. I started by taking really simple notes (hence random capitalization) then expanding on it. I tried my best to spell things correctly and use proper grammar, but I didn't get too hung up on the formalities either. I didn't share everything, but I tried to include some of my own inner dialogue when I felt like. I chose to upload stories while traveling cause it felt "improvised" and in the moment. I intend to edit and compile these entries when I get home. If and when I do I will publish it some other way. I want to leave this journal as is, in this space.
I appreciate all who read these or followed me vicariously through Facebook. It's because of your feedback and support that I kept it up. It's interesting that seeing comments, likes, and how many people where reading journal entries gave me a sense of connection. I enjoy traveling alone, but I didn't feel like I was alone. Thanks y'all.
Ciao. Salaam Alacham. Adios, or as I say a-unicornia (go with the unicorn)



Russ, Aunt Linda and I enjoyed your blog. Seeing the world thru your eyes has been wonderful. We have been to some of the places you visited, but the Sahara and Morocco were the most enjoyable for us. You look great on a camel. Enjoy your time in NY, and we are awaiting your next journey. Love from us.

  Howard Kreitman Apr 3, 2016 12:57 AM

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