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Pizza, Piazzas & Planes! My adventures in Italy, London, and Ireland with my beautiful best friend!


There are [0] photos and [4] stories tagged with "tours".

London Calling!

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 27 Jan 2015 | Views [461] | Comments [1]

Well hi strangers! The last few days have been crazy! But fantastic!   On Saturday we landed in London, made our way through customs and baggage claim, and headed to the underground. We took the Piccadilly line to King's Cross, which was ... Read more >

Tags: big ben, cork, early mornings, flights, london, tours, yha

Unforgettable Moments!

ITALY | Wednesday, 14 Jan 2015 | Views [475] | Comments [1]

Well, what a day! I am so tired!   We had to go to class early today, in order for our class to take the bus to the “Oriental Art” Museum. The old man who led our tour last week, Tom, led our tour again today. It was a very strange ... Read more >

Tags: crepes, friends, hilarity, memories, tours, walking

Oh, how the sights still amaze me!

ITALY | Tuesday, 13 Jan 2015 | Views [447] | Comments [1]

So last night we worked on our papers until the point of banging our heads on the desk. We were starving as well! Our host siblings were out for part of the evening so we didn’t eat until 9:45! It was good we had stopped at the grocery store for ... Read more >

Tags: leftovers, notes, papers, time flies, tours

Walking for miles!

ITALY | Thursday, 8 Jan 2015 | Views [419] | Comments [1]

Well, after not sleeping well last night, you could say that I was less than enthused to have to walk around ALLLL day long. Especially since we had to be to school earlier than normal. But, we did it!   After making it to school in the nick ... Read more >

Tags: laundry, pharmacies, tours, walking

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