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Pizza, Piazzas & Planes! My adventures in Italy, London, and Ireland with my beautiful best friend!

Oh, how the sights still amaze me!

ITALY | Tuesday, 13 January 2015 | Views [448] | Comments [1]

So last night we worked on our papers until the point of banging our heads on the desk. We were starving as well! Our host siblings were out for part of the evening so we didn’t eat until 9:45! It was good we had stopped at the grocery store for snacks!


Our meal was good, as always! I had vegetable soup, beef & artichoke in olive oil, salad, bread, oranges with sugar and cinnamon, and chocolates. It was delightful! We always have fun chatting with them!


This morning we were a little slow out of the gate. So as we walked to the bus stop, we saw both of the buses we would normally take leave just seconds before we arrived. So that was frustrating. But we made it to school, got Nat her cappuccino, and were at class in plenty of time! When our professor arrived he stood awkwardly in the front of the room, coat on and all, and announced that we would be taking our tour this morning instead of this afternoon. So instead of 3 hours of lecture and 1.5 hours of tour we got 3 hours of tour and 1.5 hours of lecture! Score!


Our tour took us to a lot of the sights we have already seen half a dozen times. But they never get old. Plus, our professor knows so much detailed knowledge about the things we are seeing that it makes them interesting all over again! He was on a mission to show us as much as possible. We had to run after him to catch up half the time. Plus, we were chilly (I didn’t think I would need both my northface and coat today. WRONG!) So with a glove on one hand and the other hand without, I furiously scribbled notes as he talked a mile a minute. He just is such an interesting man.


After our whirlwind tour we met up with our friends from the Art History class and went to lunch. It is always difficult to find places that take the vouchers but we found one! I had pasta, pork, potatoes, and a Fanta for 9 euros! It was a good deal! Then we got gelato for dessert J


We had our afternoon class, which was long and hard to focus during, and then we went shopping for a bit with a small group of people. I liked 1 sweater but I didn’t want to pay for it, so we left. Maybe I will go back. I am trying to find myself a ring, like I always do. No luck yet.


After walking for a bit, we decided we should head home and work on our papers. We headed up our leftovers and ate cereal for dinner, and have been working on our papers ever since. Mine is essentially done. I have my paragraphs all written with all of my citations mixed in. I have a lot of editing to do but I am 95% done! It feels really great! Nat is struggling to find sources for her paper, so the writing process is much slower for her. I think she is pretty frustrated with it, sadly.

I am going to reward myself with some Big Bang Theory and then try to head to bed a bit early. Tomorrow we have another site visit with our class, and we are going to try to do some exploring with our classmates in the afternoon. Then finishing our papers tomorrow night. The days are just flying by. We need to make a list of everywhere we have been and what else we want to see. Its strange how quickly it goes!


Tags: leftovers, notes, papers, time flies, tours



Sounds like a good da. I am sorry you were cold again. Of course you thught the tour would be in the afternoon, not te morning. Sorry. Good luck finishing your paper and wish Nat luck as well. I am sorry hers is not going together as well. That can be so tricky sometmes. Just give them both your best and it will all work out. You a very smart yound women, so succes will happen I know it.

Sending love, hugges and well wishes to both of you, Your Mama

  Mary Jo Jan 14, 2015 12:59 PM

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