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Mikey Travels Lightly

Sum of the Sweat

LAOS | Friday, 12 Mar 2010 | Views [1049] | Comments [2]

It's been awhile since my last post here, which means plenty of time to find reasonable excuses for this reticence.  I would like to say that I have intentionally put down the blog for awhile so that I will have fresh and exciting ... Read more >

No really, tomorrow.

LAOS | Wednesday, 10 Feb 2010 | Views [722]

Given my last post, the obvious place to start would be: I'm still stuck.  A more more accurate description of my situation would be that for about two weeks I have said, 'I am leaving tomorrow' and 'I guess this means that I'm staying one more day' ... Read more >

I'm Stuck

LAOS | Monday, 1 Feb 2010 | Views [592] | Comments [2]

On the 17th of January my most recent Thai visa expired and I took a bus to the Laos-Thailand border.  I crossed into Laos on a small boat which took me across the Mekong river, which defines the border at the northern crossing.  Entering Laos, I was ... Read more >

Slowing Down

THAILAND | Friday, 8 Jan 2010 | Views [629] | Comments [3]

I hope that everyone has had a great holiday season; although I missed family and friends and would have liked to be in at least five places other than Chiang Mai, I have been happy to be here and enjoyed a wonderful if non-traditional Christmas ... Read more >

something new

THAILAND | Monday, 21 Dec 2009 | Views [706] | Comments [4]

I just had my first day of school in Chiang Mai.  There are six people in my class, the same number as my class in Seattle, though there are half as many Americans this time.  This class will teach some theory of Thai massage and a basic Thai ... Read more >

From Monkey Town to the Top of the Hill

THAILAND | Monday, 14 Dec 2009 | Views [690]

For the week prior to last monday I had been travelling with a women whom i met at the Lopburi (monkey town) train station.  Thereza is a Czech citizen living in London.  She had been working as a graphic artist and designer there for three ... Read more >

12-12 Chiang Mai, Thailand

THAILAND | Saturday, 12 Dec 2009 | Views [666] | Comments [1]

I am finally in Chiang Mai one of my few planned destinations on this trip, certainly i have been most looking forward to.  I've planned on studying asia massage methods here for at least a year.  It was a strange feeling, sitting on a bus, nearing ... Read more >

goodbye vietnam

VIETNAM | Friday, 4 Dec 2009 | Views [650] | Comments [2]

Today is the last day of my 30 day Vietnamese visa, my bag is packed and i am flying to Bangkok in a few hours.  I have loved this month in Vietnam, though a month seems hardly enough time to get to know such a foreign and diverse place.   My last ... Read more >


VIETNAM | Saturday, 21 Nov 2009 | Views [529] | Comments [1]

I just got into Hue today (that rhymes in case you didn't know).  Its raining here and i expect that to continue- todays motorbike driver laughed at my hope of sun- its the rainy season.  There seems to be a lot to see around Hue.  I am most excited ... Read more >

Hoi An

VIETNAM | Friday, 20 Nov 2009 | Views [668]

i've totally lost track of dates and times.  i don't have a watch- i can check my ipod or cellphone if need be- i mostly needn't.  i don't really know how long i've been in hoi an, either four or five nights, i think.  it is 9pm friday, november 20th, i ... Read more >

Gallery: the pictures

VIETNAM | Friday, 20 Nov 2009 | Photo Gallery

See all 103 photos >>


VIETNAM | Monday, 16 Nov 2009 | Views [916] | Comments [2]

I am now back in Saigon for better or worse.  I took about five days to explore the Mekong Delta- four of those on the back of a motorbike with Cuong (pronounced 'kung', approximately).  It feels like a lifetime since I left Saigon.  Returning, i find ... Read more >

Tags: the edited 11-16 version

The next step

VIETNAM | Monday, 9 Nov 2009 | Views [685] | Comments [2]

Saigon has been a little overwhelming and in each of the last three days i promised myself that i would leave on the next. Today I was convinced by my motorbike driver/guide to try a four day tour of the Mekong delta. Mr Cuong is from the delta, ... Read more >

Saigon fishing

VIETNAM | Sunday, 8 Nov 2009 | Views [1119]

I really wanted to title this 'saigon fishing', though doesn't really mean anything... I am planning on seeing a water puppet show tonight... thats kind of like fishing, right?  Oh, and i ate seafood last night, of course i didn't catch it.   I am ... Read more >

36 hours in Saigon

VIETNAM | Saturday, 7 Nov 2009 | Views [1200] | Comments [3]

After 24 hours of traveling I have been quite happy to be on the ground.  My flights went well 19 hours of flying was much easier than expected.  I met a vietnamese man on the flight from seattle to seoul, which was a fortunate introduction to bridging ... Read more >

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