Through my travels I have seen many toilets and I would like to note some of my thoughts. These are my observations...
The world is made up of many people, many adventures and many Toilets:
They come in many different forms...
Natural (in the forest, behind some trees with shephards, cows and goats near by)
Concrete holes in the floor in the corner of a small smelly room.
Overflowing, clocked ceramic squat toilets with teh most fowlest smell imaginable
Flushing squat toilets
Squat toilets with buckets of water for flushing
Some with water for washign (this is the reason for only using the right hand for giving and receiving)
Nearly always a bucket nearby for used toilet paper...YUCK!
Squats in a wooden planked outhouse, near the kitchen (always near the kitchen!) with one plank the most undesirable place
Cold much so that your pee steams!
Western toilets with no seats
Western toilets with shoe marks on the seat (someone who expected a squat toilet i suppose?!)
Western toilets with a squirter and no toilet paper... be careful they can be dangerous!
Toilets in with the showers...with no dividers...always wet!
Take note....
Hike up pants before entering a squatter, don't forget paper (plastic bags are not a good substitute!), always carry antiseptic hand whipes...
It's always a lovely surprise to discover a white clean western toilet....but it does lack a certain amount of adventure doesn't it. :)