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Party on Wayne, Party on Garth

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 12 December 2007 | Views [618] | Comments [3]

Well you'll have to take my word for it that I just wrote an amazing entry. I went to save it and then it just left! argg so annoying. So I'll just fill you in quickly and probably not as nicely.

We looked around Hu'e yesterday and got a feel for the place. We bought some sweet potato and carrots and got to cook them in the kitchen here with the manager looking over our shoulder. An interesting experience. He couldn't believe we were just going to eat it plain. Thanks for the suggestion Ai Hue. Since we felt like we'd had dinner with our vegies we went out for dessert at a place called "little fish" owned by a Veitnamese guy from Australia. You oculd really tell the AUstralian influence. The only disconcerting thing was that it had a little fish bowl in the middle of the table and the fish looked dead! :(

We decided to go have a cocktail at the bar down the road DNZ, known for the draw of backpackers. I had a Manhatten and a Swimming Pool. Both very strange and I won't be getting them again. Oh well. A good experience. We played pool and chatted with people well into the night. We got talking to a guy, Joe, from Switzerland that Coby met on the bus. Really nice guy with a family back home...so we felt good having a good old yarn. There was a guy sitting by himself next to me so I got catting to him. His name was Damien, and English guy with a great accent. We talked about politics, sport, our countries, travelling and our drug and alcohol policies! So interesting. He bought me a drink (I choose water!) which was lovely. It was older, 35 maybe, and just wanted to chat. It's a lonely existance travelling. Especially for guys travelling alone, which there are many of. I think people are searching for something mroe in life but end up not sharing their experiences with anyone...hmmm something for me to ponder. Both Coby and I got to talk to Joe and Damien about our faith which was cool.

Coby and I both won a game of pool each and Coby even won a raffle (a pen, bottle opener and a rum and coke!) 4 out of the 5 winners were australian!! We decided to head home at 12.30am remembering that our hotel siad it was best not to stay out after 1am and we didn't even tell them we'd be out late! We started walking, thinking it was only down the street..we kept walking and walking and as you can imagine i was starting to freak out, remebering all the stuff in the lonely planet about walking in the dark as females! Thank God nothing happened (we prayed the whole way)! It was a scary experience and one we will learn from. When we got to the hotel the doors were locked but luckily the manager stayed up and was playing solitar on this very comupter in his pj's. Such a welcoming site for us to see! I don't think I've enjoyed seeing someone in the pj's so much!!

Well I'd better be off. We're going for a bike ride today, giving ourselves a tour of the tombs and bits and pieces here. Breakfast first I think...yum yum!


Tags: People



oh my goodness this all sounds thrilling!! I'm going to flashdance for the first time tonight, not as exciting as what you're doing but it should be fun ;) maybe I'll have a cocktail

  katie baby Dec 12, 2007 2:39 PM


Thanks for the very interesting updates. Another to read to Grandma. You 2 and your gregarious natures must help with the conversing!

  Dawn Dec 13, 2007 9:40 AM


What kind of pj's?

  Claire Dec 13, 2007 9:09 PM

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