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The Minority Report Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow you'll die.

The beginning of the end...

THAILAND | Friday, 4 Apr 2008 | Views [715] | Comments [1] | Video

Well here we are again in Bangkok our final destination before we depart to Seoul, Korea for a 10 hour layover, then off to California where the reality begins to seap in slowly but surely. I must say this being the last night in Asia that I am quite ... Read more >

Northern Lice

LAOS | Thursday, 20 Mar 2008 | Views [1059] | Comments [2]

The small and relaxed city of Vientiane, actually pronounced Wiang Jan and translated as City of Sandalwood, sits on the northern bank of the Mekong River. For a capital city, Vientiane isn't exactly overloaded with museums and sights, but that's ... Read more >

Gallery: Northern Loas

LAOS | Wednesday, 19 Mar 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Southern Loa

LAOS | Monday, 3 Mar 2008 | Views [1159] | Comments [7]

Just so you know the French added a silent 's' to Lao. It was a collection of disparate principalities subject to an ever-revolving cycle of war, invasion, prosperity and decay. Loa is most famous for tragically being one of the most bombed nations on ... Read more >

Tags: Lost!


CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 27 Feb 2008 | Views [960] | Comments [2]

On our boat bus boat canoe boat bus bus ride to Cambodia, we met up with some fabulous people. Since the tour was lacking and quite mundane, it helped that we had good company among us. Our group consisted of two Brits, two Canadians and a fellow American ... Read more >

Tags: Adrenaline

Gallery: Phnom Penh, Siem Reap (Angkor Wat) and Sihanoukville

CAMBODIA | Monday, 18 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Hoi An to the border of Cambodia

VIETNAM | Monday, 18 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

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The Road To Saigon

VIETNAM | Sunday, 3 Feb 2008 | Views [793] | Comments [6]

Hoi An was a lovely little town. We stayed at a pretty nice place with free fruit cocktails for "Happy Hour". It was raining so we weren't able to use the pool, though. Bummer. Not much to do here unless you want to get a tailor made suit or ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Gallery: Hanoi to Hue

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 16 Jan 2008 | Photo Gallery

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VIETNAM | Wednesday, 16 Jan 2008 | Views [648] | Comments [5]

We didn't depart from Yangshuo until after 6:30 pm Saturday evening. And when we got to Guilin we had to wait until midnight to catch a bus to Pinxiang . We left our bags at the travel office and walked the streets of Guilin that we were ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Survivor China

CHINA | Saturday, 5 Jan 2008 | Views [630] | Comments [2]

It's been awhile since we wrote last so excuse us for our memory deficiency. Let's see, I believe we left off in Lijiang , where we enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. We met two Americans on the last day we were here and it was heaven on Earth. Dali ... Read more >

Tags: Mountains

Gallery: Lijiang to Yangshuo

CHINA | Thursday, 3 Jan 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 37 photos >>

Deck The Halls

CHINA | Tuesday, 25 Dec 2007 | Views [686] | Comments [7]

Another year where Christmas doesn't really feel like Christmas. I guess that's what happens as you get older and everyone starts to move away and do their own thing. I miss it, though. I miss decorating the tree, listening to Christmas carols, hoping ... Read more >

Tags: Family

Gallery: Chiang Mai

THAILAND | Saturday, 15 Dec 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Jinghong, China

CHINA | Friday, 14 Dec 2007 | Views [783] | Comments [4]

Jinghong is the capital of Xishuangbanna perfecture and lies beside the Mekong River. The region of Xishuangbanna is in the deep south of Yunnan, next to the Myanmar and Lao borders. It has a laid-back Southeast Asian feel to it with it's small villages ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

Chiang Mai

THAILAND | Friday, 14 Dec 2007 | Views [827]

To Thais, Chiang Mai is a national treasure. For visitors, it's a cool place to kick back and relax. Bookshops outmuscle synthetic shopping centres and the region's unique culutral heritage is worn as proudly as its vibrant hand-woven textiles. The old ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

Gallery: Bangkok

CHINA | Sunday, 2 Dec 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 23 photos >>

Gallery: A Day In The Life...

THAILAND | Sunday, 2 Dec 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 9 photos >>

Why we're here...

THAILAND | Saturday, 1 Dec 2007 | Views [593] | Comments [1]

We didn't get any sleep on the train ride to Phitsanulok because we had to get off at 3 in the morning and we didn't want to miss our stop. But of course, the train people were there to wake us up so all that worrying for nothing. TYPICAL! But we found ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

One Night In Bangkok

THAILAND | Wednesday, 28 Nov 2007 | Views [613]

Hello out there! The Thai have a funny way of doing things...we took a bus to the ferry, then got on a coach bus to then get off about a block later just to walk onto the ferry. After the ferry we got back on the bus drove for about 2 hours to a "... Read more >

Tags: Shopping

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