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Fim de semana / Weekend

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 8 August 2009 | Views [745]

Tocando o Pacifico Sul / Touching the South Pacific

Tocando o Pacifico Sul / Touching the South Pacific

Hoje meus anfritoes se sentiram bem o bastante para voltar a rotina de andar, entao fomos tomar cafe na rua e depois fui apresentada ao Jardim Botanico da cidade. Subimos via bondinho e viemos descendo devagarzinho. O sol estava uma delicia, o ceu azul sem nuvens, e o lugar eh lindissimo. Grande passeio.

Today my hosts were feeling better and decided to go back to their routine of daily walks. So we ate breakfast at a restaurant and then I was introduced to the Botanic Garden. We reached it through Cablecar and then we came back down walking slowly. The sun was delicious, with a blue sky without any clouds and the place is gorgeous. Great day.

Domingo  devemos uma voltinha a beira mar, no que podemos chamar de “Vieira Souto” de Wellington, Oriental Parade. Belas casas, restaurantes e o movimento esperando do calcadao num domingo. Cumpri meu ritual de molhar os dedinhos no mar. Estou colecionando: ja molhei os dedos no Atlantico Sul (varias praias pela costa do Brasil),  Atlantico Norte (Miami quando crianca), Mar do Norte (Holanda), Mediterraneo (Nice), Pacifico Norte (Santa Monica, Los Angeles) e finalmente Pacifico Sul (Wellington). Estou dando a volta ao mundo pelas praias! E eu nem gosto de me brozear!

Sunday we went for a walk near the sea on the chic street of Oriental Parade. Nice houses, restaurants and all the movement you would expect of a Sunday by the sea. I did my ritual of wetting my hand in the sea. I’m collecting these moments: I dipped my fingers at the South Atlantic (various beaches at Brazilian coast), North Atlantic (Miami in a trip when I was little), North Sea (The Netherlands), Mediterranean Sea (Nice), North Pacific (Santa Monica, Los Angeles) and finally South Pacific (Wellington). I’m going around the world through the beaches! And I don’t even like to tan!

Desculpem o atraso no post. Vamos ver se volto a manter o ritmo.

Sorry about the delay on this post. Let’s see if I manage to keep the rhythm.

Tags: beach, botanic garden, fim de semana, jardim botanico, praia, weekend, wellington



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