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There are [34] photos and [5] stories about Chile

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Our two-week homestay in Pucon, Chile

Sunday, 27 Apr 2014 | Views [475] | Comments [1]

Homestay is where you live with a local family in their house, as one of the family. You eat with the family and spend time with them. It is a really great way to get to know a little about the local culture. We stayed with a lovely couple, Monica and ... Read more >

Tags: homestay

Journey to the top of an active volcano!

Wednesday, 23 Apr 2014 | Views [734]

Whilst in Pucon, we went on a guided climb to the top of Villarrica, one of Chile's most active volcanoes. This perfectly-shaped volcano (just how we used to draw them at school) looms over the town and despite erupting every 10 years or so, life goes ... Read more >

Tags: villarrica volcano

Pisco Sour

Monday, 31 Mar 2014 | Views [253]

A sort of grape brandy, Pisco Sours are really tasty and refreshing and a speciality of Chile so it only seemed right to try them :) Dave and I toasted each other on Mother's Day - Dave in London and this is me in Chile having a particularly strong ... Read more >

Torres del Paine, Patagonia

Friday, 28 Mar 2014 | Views [581]

Simply the most beautiful place on earth. Immense mountains, wild landscapes and weather, surrounded by views on all sides which just make you fill up with happiness. Sheer towers, bristling ice glaciers, lakes of every colour blue - mountain spectaculousness.... Read more >

Tags: torres del paine, trekking

Photos: Third leg - Chile and Argentina

Thursday, 20 Mar 2014 | Photo Gallery

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