So basically I love cambodia. The trip here was easy peasy and we saw so much of rural thailand and cambodia. Siem Reap is really small and everyone is really friendly. Stayed in a nice hotel last night but have moved tonight to somewhere a bit closer to town. Arrived about 6 yesterday and went out for dinner and then drinks. The world is as small as ever as i met people from Hemel and Watford! I went to the temples today and am just going to meet the boys for dinner. The temples were AMAZING. i hired a moto driver for the day - $5 and he drove me round all day as the temples are quite far apart. Watched the sunset from one of the tall temples. unfortunately cambodia is so good that i have no time to blog. Thank you for your comments its so nice to hear from people at home and also to know its not just pointless typing. Im going to more temples tomoroow so i will blog in the evening again. Unfortunately Cambodia is just too good to miss out on so im afraid im going to have to sign out and get going :)
Lots of love to everyone
love, the happy traveller.