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A beautiful poverty

MALAWI | Thursday, 7 May 2009 | Views [963] | Comments [1]

Entering Malawi, all i knew was that it was one of the poorest countries yet hosted some of Africa's friendliest people. It only takes an hour in Malawai before you realise the latter is true. Walking across the border into another country is always ... Read more >

Tags: lake, malawi, nyassa

Paradisiacal Heaven

TANZANIA | Thursday, 7 May 2009 | Views [807]

After a sad farewell to Maasailand and my amazing host family, i jumped on a plane headed to Zanzibar. The plane ride was more like a bus trip. The plane begins in Kisumu, in northern Kenya, and flies to Nairobi where it drops off a few people, picks ... Read more >

Tags: beach, paje, tanzania, zanzibar

You never leave

KENYA | Thursday, 7 May 2009 | Views [832] | Comments [1]

Maasailand is behind me. But it is not a thing of the past. It will NEVER be a thing of the past. Because while all these problems still exist, i will not just 'remember' my time there. No matter where I am in the world, there is always something i can ... Read more >

Tags: kenya, maasai, volunteer

You can't change the world in a month

KENYA | Sunday, 5 Apr 2009 | Views [1361] | Comments [5]

There are too few words to use to describe the beauty of our home. Yes it was ridiculously hot. Yes it was dry. Yes people were poor. Yes it was remote. No there was no electricity, running water or paved roads. But everything it was missing was what ... Read more >

Tags: kenya, maasai, volunteer

The road to Maasailand

KENYA | Sunday, 5 Apr 2009 | Views [916]

I dont know why, but the night before I left to go to my placement, I thought i would sleep like a baby, dreaming of all the ways i would be a star volunteer. I think i slept for 45 minutes. 9am, time to hit the road. Our transport: 9 seater mini van.... Read more >

Tags: kajiado, kenya, maasai, volunteer

First Impressions...

KENYA | Saturday, 21 Mar 2009 | Views [1166] | Comments [1]

Preparing for this "trip", I began to think of certain luxuries, and everyday decisions we are faced with, and began to wonder if they exist where I was going. Not because I hoped they existed, but more so a curiosity of the unknown. Simple ... Read more >

Tags: amsterdam, kenya, maasai, nairobi

The Plan...

KENYA | Monday, 23 Feb 2009 | Views [1000] | Comments [1]

As long as i can remember, I have wanted to go to Africa. Actually, i remember the exact moment i decided i would one day embark on a trip to the worlds second largest continent. It was whilst watching the opening scene to The Lion King. But what ... Read more >

Tags: help, kenya, maasai, volunteer

"The darkest thing about Africa has always been our ignorance of it"

KENYA | Thursday, 5 Feb 2009 | Views [1274] | Comments [1]

From national parks to clustered slums. From pristine coastlines to baron desert plains. From western hotels to maasai clay hutts. From one baobab to the other... Africa here i come. "The traveler was active; he went strenuously in search of people, ... Read more >

Tags: africa, kenya, maasai, nairobi, volunteer

a new adventure will soon begin...

CANADA | Tuesday, 3 Feb 2009 | Views [853]

hey yo! so i am off to africa to volunteer. which means i best start using a journal for those few people who care to read about my travels. this site is quick and easy to use, so i will be updating this as often as possible. for a while though, i got ... Read more >

Tags: sightseeing


CANADA | Friday, 12 Jan 2007 | Views [702]

hey everyone. havent written a journal for a while i know, and today is not the day for me to write another sorry. But i did just upload a crapload of photos. None from snowboarding yet cos i broke my camera so im waiting to get a new one. Anyway, ill ... Read more >

Tags: Snow

Gallery: Canada

CANADA | Thursday, 30 Nov 2006 | Photo Gallery

Vancouver & Banff
See all 81 photos >>

More Photos

USA | Tuesday, 19 Sep 2006 | Views [565]

I added some more photos tonight. I also added a few videos to myspace if anyone wants to check them out. You have to sign up before you can view them, but its worth it anyway. So go to myspace.com/casey_hamilton and have a look. Funny shizer!

Tags: Misadventures

Gallery: Post Camp Pics

USA | Tuesday, 19 Sep 2006 | Photo Gallery

See all 49 photos >>

Oot and aboot

USA | Tuesday, 19 Sep 2006 | Views [975] | Comments [1]

Yo yo yooooooooooooooo!!!! Whats goin on errrrrrbody? Man its been a while since ive written one of these suckers hey! Well, good new for you all, i have nothin to say. Hope everyone is healthy and happy. Catchya! Ahhh, whatever! Man there is so much ... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures


USA | Thursday, 13 Jul 2006 | Views [727] | Comments [4]

Just a quick note to let you know i have added a heap of photos to the photo gallery if anyone wants to check them out. Theres a few from the canoe trips, events at camp and some photos i tooklast night when we went out. Man it ws a crazy night! Then ... Read more >

Tags: Scams & Robberies

Gallery: Random Pics 2

USA | Thursday, 13 Jul 2006 | Photo Gallery

See all 75 photos >>

Camp Life.

USA | Wednesday, 12 Jul 2006 | Views [1970] | Comments [3]

Hey hey everyone. It's been a while since the last journal and man things have been crazy! All 250 kids arrived at camp about 2 and a half weeks ago, twitching with excitement, and flowing with arrogance. Nah, they're not that bad, some of them are typical ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

Gallery: Random Pics

USA | Thursday, 15 Jun 2006 | Photo Gallery

See all 19 photos >>


USA | Thursday, 15 Jun 2006 | Views [864] | Comments [3]

G'day all. After a shitload of stuffin' around, i think i have this journal thing worked out. Hotmail is a pain in the ass cos i can't send a group email to everyone cos there's too many people on the list. Anyway, I finally made it to camp and it's ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

About casey_hamilton

Some statue in chicago and me being a dick

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