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The Plan...

KENYA | Monday, 23 February 2009 | Views [1029] | Comments [1]

As long as i can remember, I have wanted to go to Africa.

Actually, i remember the exact moment i decided i would one day embark on a trip to the worlds second largest continent. It was whilst watching the opening scene to The Lion King. But what child didn't fantasize over pet lions, and warthog riding meer cats after watching that movie.

However, as time goes on, these fairytale African fantasies are drowned out by news stories and tv shows portraying the real Africa. The fantasies of safaris and baobab tree houses are soon replaced by a desire to help. Help learn. Help build. Help play. Help farm. Help feed.

Help live.

At least, thats how it went for me.

So after going from website to website, listening to speech after speech from organisations trying to justify the $10,000 fee to volunteer for a few weeks (most of the money goes directly into their fat bank account), i stumbled across the perfect company, hosting the perfect program. A completely transparent organisation, who are more than happy to tell you where every penny you spend goes. International Volunteer Headquarters.

On February 27th, i land in Nairobi, Kenya. There, i will spend a few days sightseeing and adjusting, before i head out to a small Maasai community where i will live and work for one month. Exactly where and what i will be doing, I am still unsure of.

The details are murky, but the aim is clear. Help.

Tags: help, kenya, maasai, volunteer



Hey Casey,
I thought of you the other day and thought I would write. I hope that you are enjoying the Masai community. Apparently, in the Masai Community in Kenya, you can whip out the name game...just like the name game.
So here are two masai names. jackson Tunai and John lepore (their christian names obviously) we're the two girls from kitchewa tembo safari camp if you ever meet them...fat chance but maybe, just maybe.
I love your blogs and look forward to more.
Let me know if you use any of those contacts I gave you. let me know if you loose them...i have an extra copy.
You should know that the shoes arrived safely to the slum of imbu bull and the soccer team was THRILLED.
So excited for you to see lamu.
Anyways, Ill let you go.
Great blogging.
Gueheri, nakupenda,

  Kaeleigh Doherty Mar 18, 2009 10:41 AM

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