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B on the move...

¡uno más!!!!!!

NICARAGUA | Tuesday, 19 Aug 2008 | Views [527]

ok ok ok OK....so here´s the dealy yo....I have spent the last three weeks near Estelí, Nicaragua living in the country side with no electricity and studying spanish in a small comunity called Límon...not too much to report on as far as exciting stuff ... Read more >

¿como estas?

NICARAGUA | Monday, 28 Jul 2008 | Views [618]

ok, so i really suck at keeping this thing updated...so here going a brief run down of what´s been going on with me... panama was awesome...after i left panama city i was back into my element...i can only take so much of a big city before i got ... Read more >

forgot to post this one

PANAMA | Monday, 28 Jul 2008 | Views [602]

Ok...ok...ok...ok....so, panama is awesome...even though i have had some downs here, it still is...i'll explain more in a sec...so i left boquete a week ago last monday morning and caught the express bus, ~ 7 hrs, down to panama city...but it really ... Read more >

Gallery: Boquete, Panama

PANAMA | Sunday, 6 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

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PANAMA | Monday, 30 Jun 2008 | Views [627]

ok, so i had to finally leave Tres Piedras....i was just getting sucked into a warp there...not in a bad way, i lost my watch surfing and it got to the point where i didn´t know what day it was or what time it was in that day...which is a great feeling, ... Read more >

still is tres peadras

COSTA RICA | Saturday, 21 Jun 2008 | Views [618]

So is it possible to keep having the BEST DAY EVER over and over again? I'm starting to feel like I'm living the life of josh nease, for those of you who know who he is will appreciate that anology...anyways, last sat. I went to the local rodeo and ... Read more >

Gallery: TFI and Dominical

COSTA RICA | Sunday, 15 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Costa Rica Upadate...

COSTA RICA | Sunday, 15 Jun 2008 | Views [559]

So...I was in Costa Rica for less then 24 hrs before we were robbed...awesome...on Tuesday we drove down to Dominical...what an adventure, the main way via the panamerican highway was washed out on one section because the the tropical storm a couple ... Read more >

Alajuela, Costa Rica

COSTA RICA | Tuesday, 3 Jun 2008 | Views [533]

Today was a long day...i didn´t really get to sleep much last night because i had to pack and get all my shit in order...and of course i waited to the last min. to do everything...anyways, the flight was alright although there was a lot of turbulence ... Read more >

Gallery: Alajuela

COSTA RICA | Tuesday, 3 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 13 photos >>


USA | Monday, 2 Jun 2008 | Views [437]

All packed up and ready to bounce...next stop Costa Rica...

Tags: all my shit...

Gallery: Pre-Trip

USA | Monday, 2 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 7 photos >>

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