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The BIG Trip

It''s raining again...

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 18 August 2011 | Views [361]

Both of us had a slow start this morning - late night at the movies caught up with us! :-)

Once up, clean and packed we went downstairs and had breakfast in the shade at our guest house. It had dawned a scorcher of a day. Then a quick wander to the mini-mart for bus trip supplies...Bray was in awe of the $9 bourbon and $12 jaeger!! Madness!!

A van picked us up (no walking to the bus station today - treats!) and then picked up a family of 5 from the hospital (sick baby and old man). Broke our hearts...a man who could have been either of our grandfathers still on a drip, stick thin, so weak he couldn't walk and catching a bus for 6 hours! We helped as best we could - holding his drip, and Bray helped move him but we both wished for medical training. Felt so helpless to assist.

The bus ride was uneventful and once close to PP again the rain closed in. We reached the city pretty much on rush hour so the last 30k took a LONG time. One of Roni's contacts had relocated to the top of her eyeball so much of the last hour or so she spent poking her eye trying to locate it. A discomfort that paled in comparison to the suffering we had seen today.

Got to PP safely and went into a shopping centre to use their facilities and pass the time. We caight a tuk tuk back to our area then walked the last bit home - rain had stopped :-)

As soon as we were in the door the Sussex fed us! Madness! There was another NZ dentist visiting and much good conversation was had before bed.

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