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Pompei and Capri

ITALY | Thursday, 5 August 2010 | Views [509]

Right, Im writing this about to fall asleep. Sleep is treasure on this boat at the moment and ive had stuff all lately. The days have been all good and plenty of fun but its the lack of sleep and constant on the go that is very tiring. Im used to taking a good half hour to get to sleep back home, here i could be asleep within a minute if i lay down. Its good in a way though

Yesterday we left napoli first thing at 6 in the morning and headed to Pompei. We anchored in pompei as the guests had organised a tour of the ruins and remains of the ancient city. The boss offered for us crew to go and the captain said that anyone that hasnt been can go, so it was me and the captain that joined the guests for their tour. We started to tour about 1 and finished just after midday and headed back to the boat for an afternoon of swimming and keeping the boys company. Pompei was amazing, although the tour guide spoke russian for the guests, i picked up on a couple of things and found it all to be very interesting. Crazy to think how they built things back then with what they had! Ill add a few photos. I was picturing Pompei to be a small primitive village on the side of vesuvius the volcano, but it was a huge city they had uncovered at the base of the mountain close to a main river. Good experience, and another thing to say ive done!

Later that afternoon we brought the anchor up and sailed to the island of Capri, which we are still here now. This will be our second night here. This place is so sick! Wicked coatline, crystal clear water, caves in the rocks etc. Today we got up nice and early after a decent sleep (4 hours) and washed down the boat quick. By 9am we had all the toys out ready for the guests to use. Its been a day full of swimming, out on the tender, tender drops to port etc. So im pretty knackered. Ive not long got back from the town of Capri as most of the guests wanted to go shopping and have a look around and at lease one of us crew goes to organise taxis and the tender back etc so I went tonight for a few hours. Just follow the guests arounf and have a look around. Awesome city on top of the island.

But thats been my last couple of days. Tomorrow will be and early start, i have a couple hours of anchor watch tonight along with the others. Then we will probably sail away somewhere else tomorrow. Loving the job, food is great and too much of it, but im making the most of it.

Will keep posted. Ciao for now

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