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Napoli & first day with the guests

FRANCE | Tuesday, 3 August 2010 | Views [516]

So after Ischia we left for Napoli in Italy and spent the day detailing the boat and getting it ready for the boss when he arrives. Wasnt too much of a mission as we had kept the boat pretty clean but things had to be spotless. Napoli (Naples) has a really bad problem with rubbish. Apparently a couple years back the rubbish wasnt collected for 6 months and the army had to come in and sort things out etc, but theres still rubbish all over the docks and all in the water. Strange place to pick the boss up from! But there was still a whole dock full of superyachts. You can see the water change coming into port from dark blue to a grey brown colour can see spot of rubbish floating. Pretty rough from that point of view but the town is huge, plenty to see and plenty of people around. Bit of a change from Ischia. After we had knocked off from cleaning the boat that day a few of us went out for pizza at a pizza joint in town. Huge walk to get there but was good to check everything out. Pizza's are like 6euros which is dirt cheap. the bill came to about 20euro each and that included quite a few drinks!! things are really cheap here, im passed to point of converting my money back to NZD as i would get nowhere and it doesnt matter now that im earning good euros.

Next day we werent sure of what time the boss was arriving nor how many guests. So we got up, had pretty much done all the cleaning from the day before so we just finished all the fiddly things. knocked off at 2 to watch the grand prix down at the pub and was told that he was going to arrive at 8pm so we had plenty of time. Got back, showered, changed, shaved etc and waited for the boss. We stand on the dock in our uniform when they arrive and met them all and carried there bags. He has his family onboard, and family friends.We didnt have to do much that night but since we have one too many crew for the amount of beds we have, i had to share a room with the teenage guest. Was all good, I went to bed around 11pm and got up at 5.30am. They are all really nice, very chilled out etc and we have some eye candy too! haha

Next day we got up early as we were leaving Napoli to go back to ischia to anchor for the day and get the toys out. Did a little bit of cleaning before the guests got up but then once they were up it was just mucking round all day. There are two boys onboard one about 11 and the other about 8. its our job to keep them entertained and safe so we spent the day with the water pistols out, having fights round the boat, water skiing, tubing etc. Cant remember the last time i had a water fight but had a few today! its going to be all good this trip but very tiring as we get up early but then have to be very active and keep these boys entertained. Its sweet though, cant complain about geting paid to get the toys out! so that was today....

The owner wants to dock back near Naples tonight and then tomorrow were off to Pompei. I think the guests have a tour of pompei starting at 9am tomorrow and Im hoping we get to join. That will definately be something not to miss! heres hoping!!

Oh, something that I havent mentioned in these journals which is pretty funny is that my name on this boat seems to be up in the air. It seems noone can settle with my name and cant get it right, but because we have a maori chef named brandon, with a middle name james also, the crew have all had input into my new name which has been going for a couple of weeks! its all a laugh and we all joke about it. Each crew has given me a name. Ive had Braden (too close to brandon so it doesnt work - especially with the radios), James, Bruce, Bruce-James, Jimmy, and i think thats it! Its always a laugh and the one that is sticking the most is Bruce James or James haha. Anyway thats it for today, think all we need to do now is anchor up and might have an early one.



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