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In, Round, Up and Down A documented adventure around NZ in Rusty George, my mobile home


NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 25 Jan 2011 | Views [449]

Not T'pau which I accidentally called it - (oddly enough not played on the radio here but would fit right in). Arrived here in torrential rain. Being from England it wasn't too much of an issue, but George being Japanese was obviously not built to ... Read more >

The Forgotten Highway

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 22 Jan 2011 | Views [724]

First tip: remember your boardies and towel if hanging them on the line. Second tip: fill up with petrol before the highway (or just read the signs that warn this) I'm not 100% sure why it's forgotten. The views are great, the wrecked cars aside, ... Read more >

Mt Taranaki (Eggmont National Park)

NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 21 Jan 2011 | Views [392]

Cruised on round the surfers highway, albeit minus a surfboard but time is on my side. Next stop New Plymouth, which mildly surprised me, boasting a Top 50 List, although truth be told it could easily be cut to 30. Went up the Botanic Gardens for the ... Read more >

On the road

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 19 Jan 2011 | Views [407]

After the most amazing help from Don (Linden Motors - if buying a car in Wellington I strongly urge you to get this bloke to check it out, honest as the day is long) I soon piled all my gubbins into Rusty George atop of my part time bed for the next ... Read more >

Mt Holdsworth - Jumbo Circuit

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 15 Jan 2011 | Views [507]

New to tramping so not quite sure what I was getting myself into, despite the D.O.C telling me that it would be a doddle for a fit young man like me. "Doddle" would not be my choice of words. If doing this hike/ tramp, best thing to do would ... Read more >


NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 9 Jan 2011 | Views [394]

Coming from Australia, anywhere may have been a financial relief but I was delighted I booked an additional flight to Wellington from Auckland without setting foot in the latter. Despite being the capital, Wellington most definitely has the feel of ... Read more >

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