First tip: remember your boardies and towel if hanging them on the line. Second tip: fill up with petrol before the highway (or just read the signs that warn this)
I'm not 100% sure why it's forgotten. The views are great, the wrecked cars aside, and if you happen to be passing through Whangamomona on election day then don't forget your passport (every two years on a random Saturday in January by all accounts). A republic unto itself and hopefully will allow me to come back into NZ on my new Whang. passport.
Damper Falls kind of speaks for itself. Discovered that I actually do enjoy my ipod on Random selection which is convenient as Rusty George isn't so good at picking up radio channels in the mountains. Kind of refreshing not to hear "Do you like Pina Colada's" every hour. Something has to be said for N.Z radio - retro, maybe; funky, perhaps; bizarre, most definitely.
Turangi is worth a pit stop to break up the journey and the thermal baths were a real gem in the rain.