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Canadian Adventures The world is a giant book, if you don't travel you're only reading the first page!

Teaching in Canada

CANADA | Wednesday, 12 Dec 2007 | Views [13923] | Comments [37]

The top 10 reasons to do an exchange teaching year in Canada Reflections of an Australian exchangee So you’re thinking about doing an exchange year in Canada?   But you’re unsure.   It all seems too hard.   There are lots of forms to ... Read more >

Tags: Work

Gallery: Party Time

WORLDWIDE | Wednesday, 21 Nov 2007 | Photo Gallery

Best Event Pics & Nights Out
See all 40 photos >>

Gallery: Cool Travel PIcs

WORLDWIDE | Thursday, 15 Nov 2007 | Photo Gallery

Best Shots
See all 57 photos >>

Gallery: Teaching in Canada

CANADA | Tuesday, 13 Nov 2007 | Photo Gallery

Assorted exchange pics
See all 9 photos >>

Gallery: Europe 2007

GREECE | Saturday, 3 Nov 2007 | Photo Gallery

Mates & Sights
See all 210 photos >>

Canadian Fall Antics

CANADA | Saturday, 3 Nov 2007 | Views [1326]

Heya Lovers and Fighters, It's been a whirlwind two months since I have been back at school in Burnaby so I thought it was time to upload some incriminating piccies and dirty details of my latest crazy adventures and shenanigans. My first full weekend ... Read more >

Tags: Party time

Road Tripin' USA with my Old Man!

USA | Tuesday, 28 Aug 2007 | Views [1416]

Heya Friends & Fam, After a hectic month in Europe, I had two days to relax before my old man arrived on his first ever trip out of Australia. We planned to have a week in Van and then travel the west coast of the states. Dad's first week was full ... Read more >

Tags: Family

Gallery: American West Coast

USA | Tuesday, 28 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

Summer 07 in the States!
See all 39 photos >>

Chicago & Loolapalooza!

USA | Friday, 10 Aug 2007 | Views [1584]

Heya Rat Packers, Chicago is DEFINITELY my kind of town!! I flew in from London on the Friday morning, very tired but excited to be catching up with Amanda after four weeks apart. We were staying in a reasonably flash hotel, just a shame it was RIGHT ... Read more >

Tags: Friends

Eastern European Adventures

GREECE | Monday, 16 Jul 2007 | Views [2013]

Hod' yaal bake-in, That is Hungarian for don't harass me! I know, I know that I have been slack but I have been a busy boy. My 4 week jaunt in Europe was an amazing time and way to much happened to go into all the gory details but some of the key ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

A Month of Gongshows!

CANADA | Sunday, 15 Jul 2007 | Views [1545]

Heya Holiday Lovers, The best thing about living and working in a foreign country is picking up all the little cultural differences. For example: trying different foods, using foreign money, adapting to local customs and of course overcoming the language ... Read more >

Tags: Party time

Calgary Stampede & Beyond!

CANADA | Tuesday, 3 Jul 2007 | Views [1359]

Heya Patriots, 10 weeks of school holidays started for me with a monster of a day on Canada's National day. Rino, Panos and I headed to the horse races to meet up with Micky Peddler and a few other crew. The races were very different in terms of betting ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Gallery: Calgary Road Trip

CANADA | Tuesday, 3 Jul 2007 | Photo Gallery

Vancouver to Calgary
See all 125 photos >>

Gallery: Portland & Seattle

USA | Wednesday, 16 May 2007 | Photo Gallery

Heading South From Van.
See all 83 photos >>

More North American Shenanigans

CANADA | Saturday, 5 May 2007 | Views [888]

Heya Music Lovers, It has now been 5 months since I left Perth and the time just seems to be disappearing. Since coming back from the Caribbean I have been a bit slack with the tall tales and piccies, so here goes.....be warned though, this is long ... Read more >

Tags: People

Gallery: Spring Break in the Caribbean

CANADA | Saturday, 17 Mar 2007 | Photo Gallery

Cricket World Cup 2007
See all 93 photos >>

Spring Break in the Caribbean

SAINT KITTS & NEVIS | Saturday, 17 Mar 2007 | Views [2722]

Heya Rum Lovers, After 10 weeks of Canadian school it was time for Spring Break and one week of student free bliss. I had contemplated doing a cliche' and visiting Cancun with heaps of young college crew, but lucky for me the Australian Cricket team ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

Adjusting to Canadian Life.

CANADA | Wednesday, 28 Feb 2007 | Views [1046]

Heya Dance Fans, My second month in Canada has been even more eventful than the first as I have finally settled in, I now consider myself Canstralian. School is cruisng along with the kids starting to understand the accent and mostly behaving themselves, ... Read more >

Tags: Work

Welcome To Canada

CANADA | Sunday, 4 Feb 2007 | Views [858]

Heya Kiddies, My first month in Canada and what a crazy time it has been. It was a marathon flight to get here via Taipei and with a belly still reeling from too much Singh Beer and dodgy roadside vendor Pad Thai! Luckily my exchange partner Wendy had ... Read more >

Tags: Work

Gallery: A Thai Summer

THAILAND | Wednesday, 3 Jan 2007 | Photo Gallery

Christmas holiday with the boys!
See all 18 photos >>

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