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Vancouver, Canada

CANADA | Wednesday, 15 Apr 2009 | Views [731] | Comments [1]

Bec finally got a day off from the Wheatberries Bakery so we thought we'd make the most of it and take the Queen of Surrey (the ferry) over to Vancouver for some sightseeing. It's a fairly easy trip from the our place on the Sunshine Coast to the city, ... Read more >

Gallery: Vancouver

CANADA | Wednesday, 15 Apr 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Soames Hill, Canada

CANADA | Wednesday, 25 Mar 2009 | Views [719] | Comments [1]

We've been on the Sunshine Coast for three weeks now, but we haven't seen too much sunshine. So when we finally got a nice day, we headed outdoors. Suz and Sean (friends of ours from Australia) were in town for the day too, so they came with us to see ... Read more >

Tags: canada, gibsons, soames hill

Gallery: Soames Hill

CANADA | Wednesday, 25 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gibsons, Canada

CANADA | Monday, 9 Mar 2009 | Views [624]

Four flights, a bus and a ferry over thirty hours - and we were racing to catch every single one, due to flight delays! Departing from 36 degrees in Ecuador to 8 degrees and snow in Canada. Add on to that 6 hours overnight in JFK airport, and you've ... Read more >

Gallery: Gibsons

CANADA | Sunday, 8 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Guayaquil

ECUADOR | Friday, 27 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Guayaquil, Ecuador

ECUADOR | Friday, 27 Feb 2009 | Views [2309]

We only had one night in Guayaquil, in a funky little B&B in the centre of the city, but after spending the afternoon down along the harbour, we realised we could have easily spent a couple more days there. We could have actually afforded it too.... Read more >

Isabella, Galapagos Islands

ECUADOR | Friday, 20 Feb 2009 | Views [3858]

Well, I can pretty safely say I don't get seasick! We caught the boat over to Isabella Island. Two hours in the heat of the day on a delightful little boat that had enough seats for about half of the passengers and filled up with boat fumes. If I survived ... Read more >

Tags: ecuador, galapagos islands, isabella

Gallery: Isabella, Galapagos

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 18 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Santa Cruz, Galapagos Islands

ECUADOR | Sunday, 15 Feb 2009 | Views [3927]

We left Buenos Aires behind us to make the long journey to the Galapagos Islands. After a long day of flying (via Santiago) to Guayaquil we pretty much just crashed at our hostel then straight back to the airport to catch our super early flight. Just ... Read more >

Gallery: Santa Cruz, Galapagos

ECUADOR | Sunday, 15 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Buenos Aires, Argentina

ARGENTINA | Monday, 9 Feb 2009 | Views [2310]

Ah, 9 quiet(ish), relaxing days in Buenos Aires! After a very busy 3 week start to our trip, no longer than two days in any one place, Simon and I were both very ready to stop and have a rest. We've been here for four nights so far, and have had no trouble ... Read more >

Tags: buenos aires

Gallery: Buenos Aires

ARGENTINA | Monday, 9 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Inca Trail, Peru

PERU | Tuesday, 3 Feb 2009 | Views [2283] | Comments [2]

It is a bit hard to write about the Inca Trail and Machu Picchu and keep it short, but I'll give it a go. We met our group in Cuzco at 6am on the 30th of January. A pretty cool group of people that we got to know fairly well throughout the trek. Irish, ... Read more >

Gallery: Inka Trail to Machu Picchu

PERU | Monday, 2 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Cuzco, Peru

PERU | Thursday, 29 Jan 2009 | Views [777]

We survived two buses, two flights, a taxi and over 24 hours in transit to arrive in Cuzco at 7am. Fortunately for us, our hotel checked us in at this ridiculous hour. We slept until midday and then hit the streets, after all, we only had two days in ... Read more >

Gallery: Cusco

PERU | Wednesday, 28 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: El Quisco

CHILE | Tuesday, 27 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

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El Quisco, Chile

CHILE | Tuesday, 27 Jan 2009 | Views [4007]

After we left Mendoza, we caught the bus back through the Andes (even scarier on the way down!) to Valparaiso, which is a beach town on the coast of Chile! It's a pretty cool place, a lot bigger than we thought it would be. Unfortunately, when we arrived ... Read more >

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Enjoying a little bit of sun in winter

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