I'm a terrible bargainer. I know it's hard to believe. I'm so forceful and assertive (bordering on aggressive) in life. Why shouldn't I be the same with money? But I'm not. It's even more surprising if you know my mom. She's the most amazing haggler I've ever seen. And she loves it. I hate everything about it, am intimidated by it, and am awful at it.
And, like most overachievers, if I'm bad at something, I'm not very likely to attempt it. But that is absolutely not possible in China. Children are born with a knowledge of numbers and how to squeeze every bit of worth out of every single bill. But I was not. And having a mother who loves and is successful at this particular activity did not help to foster my desire or ability.
When the people in the marketplace see me coming, they immediately think, "Jackpot." And I immediately think, "Yep." Whether they are trying or not, these people are getting much more of my money than they probably should, but I could care less. I'm not going to argue over three yuan (thats about 48 cents), even if I should.
And so my great failing at life is revealed. I'm loose with the funds. I throw around 20 yuan like it's nothing. I overpay for rice and walk away feeling satisfied. And I couldn't care less. (Please don't judge me, Mommy.)