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avant-garde_chauvintist wandering through the garden of ideals

Errands...oh the errands

CHINA | Thursday, 26 June 2008 | Views [832]

Because I didn’t do anything in the way of moving out yesterday, I decided to devote today to those tasks.

Last night, after dinner, I bought the “Sex and the City” movie and spent the entire night watching and re-watching it. Not because it’s that good, but because I was so excited to finally get to see it.

I’d turned off my phone to save battery. I ended up sleeping until 11am (later than I’ve slept in recent memory because of the routine of waking up at 9am every morning). When I turned on my phone, I was shocked to see how late my internal clock and the neighbors had allowed me to sleep.

I watch the movie again, and started on my day. I got another box from the post office (my life in China is now compactly packed into two rather small China Post boxes), I paid my water bill (the last time I’ll have to do one of those difficult yet mundane tasks of living in China), and I bought a few things I need for my trip.

Only a few more things to do in my barren apartment before I’ll be able to move out. It’s weird to live in a place with nothing on the walls and nothing on the shelves.



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