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18 To Find the World Your boundaries. They are there to be tested and stretched and pushed and broken. Don’t ignore them. Don’t accept them. Use them.


There are [11] photos and [7] stories about USA

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Follow my Adventures.

Thursday, 20 Sep 2012 | Views [365]

Fo those that have read my few posts and enjoyed my insights and want to follow me, i apologize for the lack of posts. I do not have a computer and world nomad does not yet have an app that i know of for a smart phone. I have been keeping a summary ... Read more >

The little things

Friday, 24 Aug 2012 | Views [602]

During my travels in New York City i visited a little souvenir shop tucked away in a corner of a hotel in the early hours of the morning. After spending a considerable amount of time in the shop i decided i would at least purchase a postcard to send ... Read more >

Tags: blessings, happiness, joy, penny, small things

Some food for thought

Wednesday, 18 Apr 2012 | Views [718] | Video

SO the other day i came across this YouTube clip online which is attached. When i finished watching i saw countless comments of people saying "lol this is so true."  ....This is so true....  This phrase bugs me simply by the context it is ... Read more >

Vagabonding by Rolf Potts

Tuesday, 3 Apr 2012 | Views [462]

Well this is it! I finally got my hands on a copy of Vagabonding and it looks more and more promising the closer i get to reading it. Hopefully this will give me the last bit of info i need to begin my journey, after summer camp of course. I am thinking ... Read more >

Something to Ponder.

Monday, 26 Mar 2012 | Views [477]

Some of you may know about www.kony2012.com while many of you may not. In my little escapade to help this campaign in my hometown i came across something. Resistance. Now something like that does not get me to upset, it's to be expected. I believe there ... Read more >

The Start of a New World

Friday, 23 Mar 2012 | Views [417]

Well this is it. This is where it all starts. I have graduated high school and i am working on gathering my basic needs. Over the next month i am working for money to spend on the basic supplies i need to live on the road. Once my bag is backed i will ... Read more >

Photos: Some Of my Favorites

Thursday, 22 Mar 2012 | Photo Gallery

See all 6 photos >>



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