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18 To Find the World Your boundaries. They are there to be tested and stretched and pushed and broken. Don’t ignore them. Don’t accept them. Use them.

About arobm93

My name is Andrew Robinson and i have recently graduated from Glacier High School in Montana, USA. As a kid i dreamed like most other kids of fame and fortune. I could see myself running in for a touchdown in the NFL or better yet setting the record for most gold medals in the X-Games. Over time though i soon realized that none of that was for me. Thing's are exactly that, things. Sure they tell a story, but you know what else tells a story? A journal, filled with tales of the places have been, the people i have meet and the activities i have done. I am young and new to the game. Starting out with only what i can hold i the bag on my back and the money in my pocket but i plan to see the world. I am excited to try new things, especially adrenaline pumping activities, but what really drives me is the challenge to make it. Working not for money but for a place to sleep, meeting people and seeing how hey live. When i come into a job or a volunteer opportunity that will land me in a foreign country i wont be slow to jump on it. For now though i have a couple more supplies to invest in and some warmer weather to begin my trek out of Montana! 

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