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Leave of Absence

TURKEY | Wednesday, 19 December 2007 | Views [966] | Comments [7]

Hi Everyone, We are setting off for a seven day trip to Central Turkey and will not be blogging in the mean time.  We realize that some people will comment that this is no longer a lapse than usual, so we will preemptively tell them that Central Turkey is great and we had an amazing time.

Tags: On the Road



There is an old turkish saying that applies here perfectly:

haaaruuuumph !

  Richard Dec 20, 2007 6:11 AM


well the holiday season is drawing near and while we are all happy to read about all that you two are doing and seeing and the people you have in your life during your travels I want you to both know that we at home are jealous that they have you with them instead of you being here with us at this time. It seems the holidays are made to share with those you love the most during your life time and it is so hard when they are not with you. Andrew we have had you in our lives now for 2 Christmas' and yet it feels like you have been with us forever and it is very empty with out you. Shannon since your first Christmas I have only missed one in your life and now this will make 2. your absence is felt deeply with all of us and although you are in our hearts and minds it just seems that at this time of the year it is felt more deeply. I am so happy that Annie will be able to share Christmas day with you, please know that you are both so loved and cherished by both families, and we all so miss seeing and hugging you two. I want you to know Andrew that I pray and thank God for bringing you into Shannon's life and ours. Shannon I am so glad that your life is filled with love and sunshine. please be safe. know that on Christmas day you will be here with us in our hearts, and that we cannot wait until you are both back home. tonight as we celebrated kelie's birthday without you here I realized how much the two empty chairs mean. with all the love and laughter there was it still fell short without yours added. Merry Christmas to you both and a most happy new year. love more than you will ever know to you both. mom

  mardi Dec 23, 2007 7:03 PM



You think you guys got a good deal getting Andrew?
You should think about the deal WE got.
WE hit the jackpot!
Shannon a.k.a. Alex a.k.a. Dawn is the first daughter in law I have ever had that has told me that I am retarded!
(she is not necessarily the first to think it...but the first to actually verbalize it)
We miss her very much.
We even miss Andrew every once in a while.
Fortunately they keep us all informed and in touch constantly on the Alex and Andrew blog.
Hope you guys have a great holiday.

  Richard Dec 24, 2007 2:57 PM


It is Christmas eve here in L town
(center of the universe).
By now it is already Christmas for Alex and Andrew and if everything went according to plans they are eating cookies on a bus ride back to Istanbul or "Isty" as Andrew has renamed it.

I wanted to report that we just had carolers or carol-ettes or maybe you could even call them carol babes. Four very beautiful chicas came right to our house in the barrio and made beautiful music.
It was very touching.

Sandy didn't even get to hear because she was unavailable so basically it was all for me.
As it should be.
Four ladies singing like angels.
It made me feel all Christmasy.
And Kwanza-eee and Hanukkah-ish.

Three of them looked very much like little angels that toured the southwest this summer in a maroon van.
It was cool.

Too bad if you currently live in Turkey you won't hear anything that is nearly so nice but if you do get back to Isty and we can get in touch with you I can sing the songs for you. I use some different notes but you can fix it in editing. Peace.

The dad

  Rrrricardo Dec 25, 2007 2:47 PM


MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS love to one and all. I will tell you that Andrew's parents were the only ones subjected to the Hinesly song singers and either to her relife or dismay no Sandy did not get to hear, but we felt that since there were no children old or young spending this holiday season with them we would share the joy and fun, we are touched that it was enjoyed. I wish I had known you were into this type of stuff and we would have picked you up for the viewing of the lights, now that is fun as I still try very hard to make sure we are in a clown car (way to small for the number of people) and everyone will have a wonderful time or I will beat them till they do. I am sad to find out that you did not hear the dogs coco and tigger singing along with the girls from the car. Next year we will do better. Have a wonderful week and lets see if we will sneak into or blast our way into the new year. love to all mom

  mardi Dec 26, 2007 6:25 AM


well i did hear briefly from the wondering twosome and i do mean short like less than a minute as there was some trouble with skype connection, but they did get Merry Christmas out. they are very sleepy so they are all snug in the bed with no thought of st. nick in the head. so they have returned from the great sky in one piece and are once again safe and sound on solid ground. so richard i am sorry to say you will not get to sing to them even had you done so in key. what a loss. oh well we now have a year to practice and get it just right. now all we have to worry about is the great new year they will have in this very strange land but alas maybe annie will be there to make sure they stay in line and maybe she can break the spell of striking or she may become a victim and get stuck over there for the duration of the stay, hey annie did you want a free vacation? work this just right and you may have it made till next year. well as the story goes Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight. mom

  mardi Dec 26, 2007 12:50 PM


You and I might as well high-jack this site and make up our own adventurous stories.

We heard briefly from the TNP
(traveling non posters) on Christmas day.
They were too busy to call before because they were hovering over Turkey in a hot air balloon and had no time for silly reports to their loved ones.

They are only going to contact us if they need bail money. I wouldn't worry but since they aren't eating at any McDonalds I suspect something is up.

Most likely by now they are reclining by a pool and having servants feed them grapes, dates and walnuts.
Then they are going to go out later and look for Borat.

We can do whatever we want here.
I know Parker is busy but...
I wonder where everyone else went. Where is Gabe? Where is Lefty? Where is Spanky?

Where oh where are posts from Annie? We know she has to post BEFORE she gets over there because she will surely fall under their spell once she is around them.

  Rrrricardo Dec 28, 2007 12:16 AM



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