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American as Pizza and Azulejos

PORTUGAL | Wednesday, 14 November 2007 | Views [1146] | Comments [10]

Ok its been a few hours since we posted, and in order to not get Richard to expecting too much, we thought about holding off for a while, but changed our mind. Yesterday was a big day for Andrew. We found and went to a Pizza Hut. Andrew ate 11 pieces of pizza. Not small pieces mind you. Probably a pizza and a half. I myself only had somewhere in the neighborhood of 6-8 pieces. It was fantastic, and by far the most "American" meal we've had since we left. And yes, it was necessary. We've eaten several pizzas, but in France, for example, they use "Emmental" cheese, which is NOT made for pizzas, trust us. Anyhow, so when we saw we could eat a good ol' fashioned pizza buffet, we seized the oppurtunity. Afterall, Italy is still a few days away...

Speaking of Italy, the resident Italian in our flat, Valentina, volunteered to top our pizza day off with an authentic Italian dessert, Tiramisu. Andrew hadn't had tiramisu before, but we both liked it quite a bit. Kind of like fancy cookies covered in fancy pudding. Half way through the second bite, Valentina rushed into the dining room laughing, claiming that we were not actually eating tiramisu. "Then what is it..." we wondered with fear. But actually, she admitted that she had simply forgotten to dip the cookies in coffee before pouring in the cream. Apparently, this is what makes it tiramisu, and not fancy pudding cookies. But it also is supposed to make the dessert soggy, which we would not have appreciated, so we were happy to have our "unauthentic" tiramisu.

As our earlier blogs have noted, the art of painting tiles is a big part of the Portuguese culture. In keeping with that, we decided that we would paint a set of tiles, known as "Azulejos," for our souveneir de Portugal. We went today and spent a few hours painting our design on a set of four. It was a lot of fun, and we got to learn a lot of the authentic techniques for tile painting. It is, by the way, MUCH harder than you think. The ceramic tiles are powdery and the paint soaks in instantly, which means each brushstroke could be stuck just the way you put it down the first time. Even with help from two of the veteran tile painters, we had some difficulty at times. So, if you get a chance to see our art when we get back, keep in mind how hard tiles are to paint, and that those brushstrokes are indeed on purpose.

Well, Conan O'Brien just came on, so we have to go and watch it (yes, we are "soooo" American). And let me just say before Spanky asks, no, we will not be bringing you back a penguin in a carriage holding Portuguese Pizza Hut pizza. That would just be asking too much.

Tags: Food & eating



Two posts in one day!!!

I have died and gone to heaven.

PLUS I beat Annie to the 1st place response email spot!


  Richard Nov 15, 2007 10:40 AM


You guys are soooo entertaining. Kind of like if I was at a zoo watching monkeys. Thanks for the update, amusement, and keeping Richard in check.

Love you guys,

  Sandy Nov 15, 2007 10:41 AM


In a foreign country that is chock full of cuisine and culture...in the cradle of all of civilization

A priest, a rabbi and a monk walk into a common American chain restaurant

the priest says...
Where's Andrew and Alex?
The rabbi says...
Where's Alex and Andrew?
The monk sez...
I know, thats what I was thinking.

  Jokeguy Nov 16, 2007 3:23 AM



Isn't the cradle of civilization somewhere in deepest Africa? I don't think it's in Portugal. And I don't think that a priest, rabbi, or monk would want anything to do with Alandrew's sloth, gluttony, or drunken revelry.

  Annie Nov 17, 2007 4:00 AM


The only thing Andrew inherited from me is gluttony.
Okay, maybe some sloth too.
and maybe a tendency to clutter clean places
It is in the King DNA.

So his mom must have caused the rest, she is pretty wild.

Did you ever notice Team AK-AK still hasn't posted any new pictures yet? Annie, I would think that as a lawyer you could sue them or something for failure to entertain.

  richard Nov 17, 2007 8:20 AM


annie you are right the cradle of civilization is in africa, and as we have returned from there i will tell you how the trip was as we know that it will be a while till shannon and andrew write again as i am sure they feel that they are ahead of the game with two in one day. shut your eyes and imagine what i am going to tell you, you will believe your in africa. think of west texas, sand blowing till the sky is red, mesquite bushes with the long thorns that grab and hold, the long grass in the fields all brown and dead looking, rabbits, scorpians, buzzards, sheep, goats, cattle, warriors with spears, elephants, giraffe, zebras, lions, wart hogs, and such, i swear i was in texas if not for a few of the animals and warriors with spears. it was so strange, i kept expecting to run into somebody i knew, but to continue they (the massia tribe) did not speak texan nor did they dress in jeans, boots and shirt instead they wore cloth of reds and purple (not afraid to show the femine side while holding those spears). i got to go out with the warriors on a hunt, sat on top of the jeep and was the look out which i might add i was pretty darn good at. sam and 11 year old boy who went with us and i rode on top of the jeep every time we had a chance. so needless to say for the first few days people would tell me that i had dust on my face but then the dust would not wash off as it was a really good tan which shannon will hate. they food is nothing like texan though as they eat a lot of goat not cooked quite as long as we do, they do not hunt nor eat any animals, just what they raise sheep, goat and cattle, and the cattle is only for really special occasions, it was a really good time but i am glad to be back home, slept in a tent and took a shower outside from a bag hanging in a tree, the weather was really nice for the most part, realy hot 2 days, but nice at night, the restrooms are made more for men than women as there is a hole in the ground with 2 pads to place your feet on and for women to squat over with out hand holds. not so good for old women who have a hard time squatting much less getting back up with out help. over there they say the world is your bathroom. no clocks, no mirrors, now that was nice. parker worked the whole time so did not get out much, i on the other hand did get to mingle but really had a hard time trying to remember what to say and when to say it, but did get the handshake down. the flight was very long over there and twice as long coming back. so if any of you are planning on going to africa to make it worth your while stay for a couple of months, did go on 2 safaires (spelling) and saw some really amazing animals, the one that surprised me the most was the flamingos, they are such a vibrant pink not at all like the ones in the front yards and so many it is like a splash of color that really stands out for a long distance, the monkeys are something different, the blue hair is not related to the blue ball which is named that because they do have flouresent blue balls, do not know how to tell the girls though as they are missing that part of the body parts. the hippos are huge, and the elephants like to get up close and in your face, will have to share the pictures with you as shannon and andrew don't seem to have any to share at this time. it was a wonderful experience but i will say i am glad to be home with a bathroom that has a seat. enough of our trip now back to those two kids, i will say i am glad they had some really good pizza as in italy they really mess them up. when you order pepperoni you get green peppers, and the sausage if not so good. and i'm glad they like tomatoe sauce as every thing has that on it. the tea is really great there, i will go so far as to say it beats dp hands down. so andrew get ready for the best drink you will ever have. but alas they do not have it here in america. guess i will stop now as my posting is longer than theirs so until next time i miss and love you both and wish you happy times, good food great friends and fantastic pictures, love mom

  mardi Nov 17, 2007 12:29 PM


Did you remember to bring Parker back?
Was that really great tea you had made with any kind of wacky weed?
I only ask because I think you were hallucinating about certain monkeys you mentioned.

If you hear from your traveling daughter and wacky son in law, tell them we said howdy from Texas.

If I understand right they will leave for Italy on Monday so they should be eating in a Tuscan IHOP or Burger King by Monday night. Ah the romance.

  Richard King Nov 18, 2007 1:45 AM


the tea was in italy without the wacky weed. yes i did bring parker back but he brought a cold back with him, and the monkeys are real you can see them when i get the film developed. they did not give us any of the warrior bark tea i think the gang last year got a little too happy with it but i did lean how they make it we need a sausage tree and the sausage looking things hanging from it are filled with a very potent booze of some sort, oh the wonderful world of africa, we need to find that tree. i have talked to the children one time since i have been back, used the phone number but every time i check skype it says they are off line so either the net is down or they are ignoring us or i just had a thought, maybe they are out taking pictures to share with us with that new camera we so lovingly shipped to them you think? neither do i but hey it was worth a shot. as for dining i'll bet you 5.00 they hit the first mcd's they find, although i do not remember seeing one when we were there but with andrew's nose for food if there is one i bet he finds it. i will tell them howdy from all the really fine folk in Texas as i know they really miss us and is killing them to stay away for so long. i am very happy to be home again and trading words with the in-laws and out-laws and friends. missed all of you alot. love as always mardi/mom

  mardi Nov 18, 2007 3:33 AM


Before you leave portugal see if they need a high school history teacher, and go ahead and ask the same question once you get to italy.

  spanky Nov 19, 2007 3:24 PM



I heard there are some openings for history teachers.
Get all of your Portuguese history notes together.

I am sure Andrew and Alex won't be much help because they are probably busy missing planes and trains right now.
They have to focus on that because the chicken McNuggets in Italy ROCK!

  Richard Nov 19, 2007 4:05 PM



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