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pillaging the village

day 12

FRANCE | Saturday, 8 December 2007 | Views [467] | Comments [1]

my name tag on my bum

my name tag on my bum

hey guys

guess what - FREEE AFTERNOOON :D:D:D

well its not exactly free -- but we have a walk through the latin quater, and silvia made it 'optional' so of course me and nici did not go haha - we have already been though and walked through .. and we are just looking at peoples houses again ...

in the morning we went to the Musee D'orsay - yet another museum ... wans't really looking forward to it ... BUT i actually enjoyed it!:)

its an old station, that was converted into a museum sometime at the end of the 19th century (i think! check nicis blog for accuracy)- gemma told me it was convereted because of the Unievrsal Exhibitions (these were like the Royal Melbourne Show of the times, but much grander, and national events - England had them too - it w as a chance to show off)

the musee d'orsay has lots of impressionist work - so monet, manet, van gogh etc

we had some random tour guide who seemed boring ... so i left the group, took nicis ipod and decided to explore the museum myself

found some really pretty ppaintings/objects etc - took photos - i have on idea what they are called - you can make up names if youd like --- be creative :D ...

i took down some names of my favourite artists: degas, caillebotte and pissarro

pissarro painted lots of the pretty green landscapes - and with great detail; he used that spotty dots technique that impressionists are so well known for

i didn't really like monet?? especially his portraits of people? i found his paintings used larger brushstrokes and lacked the detail of pissarro -- and because they lacked detail they seemed to lack depth in their perspective ... (apologies if that very amature comment offended any serious artists hahaha ... i have no clue about art and am probably totally off the mark - but its just what i thought)

the musee dorsay is much better from the louvre --- very open space and great :) ... definately worth a look (... now i sound like the lonely planet guide)

... then liz called, so i conveniently 'lost myself' in the useum hahaha ... we only have 10 minutes left before lunch ... so i escape and went to the Gare de Lyon (Lyon Station)

i had to go there because i had to reserve a seat on the train to lyon, and one from lyon to paris (because my french family leaves on lyon)

me and nici are staying in the mont martre area of paris until the 22nd, so ideally i wanted to go to lyon 22nd ... BUT NO SEATS LEFT!!!

so i have to go down on the 23rd ... which means i will be spending an extra night in paris ... ALLLLLL ALLONEEE OHHHHHH... hahaha

i found a hostel on the net - its around the corner from the gare de lyon ... and have just sent an email reserving a spot for the night of the 22nd ...

thennnnnn i will wake up early and go to the gare de lyon -- will be a funny site,, me wheeling my huge red suitcase around hahaha ... my train leaves 23rd 745 AM for Lyon - will be picked up from station by french family ...

im excited about spending the night in a hostel!!! i willl get to meet some really coool people i hope :)

im coming bak to paris on the 28th ... and flying to london ... i booked the flight last nite using dads frequent flyers (thanks dad!!:)) ... worked out very cheap ... only 40 euros tax (60$ or so) ... and i paid nothing for the flight!!! and it used very few frequent flyers ....

lucy and crew said theyyyyyyy would meet me at heathrow airport to pick me up hahaha wooo :D ...

thenn i spend new years in london, and we fly to berlin ...

hey dad, im just speaking to someone on the internet - remember that english sounding guy Nick that came over one night with jack and vinh? and he says that paul keating the musical is coming back to Melbourne next year ... and that apparently die hard paul keating fans should see it because thyed really like it .... will you come seeee it with me next year!?!?!

we have the avo offf ... i will do some work on our assingment this avo ... but im going to go visit nici now ... have tonight off as well  --- and alsssoooooo have dinner au self (yayayayayayay --- this means cheeese)


*PS. sorry if i offended any serious artists/art critiques by overusing the word 'pretty' to describe amazing paintings

Tags: Relaxation



well thats convinient, a name tag where someone will actually look :P

  Thong Dec 10, 2007 6:44 PM



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