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day 11

FRANCE | Friday, 7 December 2007 | Views [931]

ana in starbucks

ana in starbucks

im so so hungry ... dinner is in halfa so im writing the blog now to distract myself from my hunger ... me and nici accidently ate our lunch at 11am ... its 630 pm now and we havent eaten anything since then ... actually haha it wasn't so accidental ... we are always very naughty and get hungry and eat our lunch before 11am and then spend the day hungry ... there is nothing to eat at CIEP apart from a vending machine .. andi dont want sweet stuff ...

here is wat we get fed at ciep (the place we are staying:

breakkie: cornflakes/ french yoghurt - greek style yoghurt/ rolls/ bread/ jam/ fruit - bananas, yukky apples, kiwis fruits yum, oranges/ butter/ honey/ hot chocolate/ COFFEEE COFFEE .. iforget what else - - we get croissants on weekends

then we eitehr get lunch or dinner eat day

lunch is a sit down 3 course meal and dinner is self serve (like a canteen); i like diner better because at dinner i can get lots of vegies and choose wat i want to eat; at lunch we get no cheese - only stupid cheeap deserts - i dont eat these cos they r yuky n frozen ...

LAST NIGHT THEY GOT THE SCARIEST FOOD FOR DINNER!! the non-vegetarian meals arrived, and our teacher said 'oh its ham on the salad' and i said 'no its not, that looks like TONGUE! its what my dogs eat!' so sylvia asked what it was ... IT WAS INTENSTINES EWWWWWWWWWWW hahahahaha

so for those of you that are wondering whether french food is yummy, its not that great .... i t is wonderful for cheese ... and great for deserts - especially if you like patisseries ... but main meals have some really evil meat looking dishes - really wierd crap ... so if u are a tame meat eater (like liz) then french meat is wierd ... the other day at lunch, nici got chiken, and she rekons she could see where the chiken leg had been sawn off :S:S ewwww .... french have good sauces .... but otherwise ... really crappy for vegetarians ...

DISCLAIMER: i just rememered that i had something to add to my lovely irrational blog last night; its just parisians that are cold; people in the french country side like my french family are lovely and warm .... those comments applied only to parisians

what we did today:

i have no idea what we did this morning; im getting really sick of this history crap; we do these really stupid walks - where we go to the house where chopin lives, and look at it and keep walking - ... its very uninteresting looking at the outside of chopins house ... we went to ANOTHER church today!!!!!!!!! they all look exactly the same ... no idea why we have to see 40 billion .... so i spent all morning listening to nicis ipod and singing - had a great fun time :D:D:D

thennnnnnn we had the afternoon freee WOOO WOOO WOOO

me nic n amanda went to starrrrbucks - the french people that served us were really nice - thts because they were guys though hahaha ... we got yummmyyy big creamy hot chocolates/ cofeees and sat wathcing people walk the streets in the rain (i got a creme brulee coffee, nici got a viennois hot hcooclate - one thats big and creamy and really thick, max brenner style; and manda got a caramel machiatto) ....

we alsooo brought coats -i got the funkiest red one from zara ... coolest collar ... and its red and only half coat -- will post pics sooon

just looked at the time -- WOOOO 15 miuntes until dinner :D:D .. actually dinner starts at 7 (in halfa) but me n nici always go down 15 minutes early hahaha ... we are eager ... but they have the vegetarian salads at dinner, and only like 6 ... and if u dont get there early u dont get one ... so i drag nici down --- IM REALLY CRAV VVVVVVVING BEETROOT ... they dont have fresh vegies here ...

this avo we also went to the Christian Lacroix museum- hes a famous designer ... it was an exhibition of haute couture clothes .. SOSO COOOL --- oneeee day i willl be able to buy myself coool clothes like that --- mmmm .... we couldn't take pics sorry because we wern't allowed to in there .... but it was near the louvre .. a big exhibition of all his clothes over the years ... really extravagent haute couture stufff ...

just a quick apology for some of the photos that i take in museums - we usually cant take photos with a flash, and its really dark in places ,, and i shake the camera cos im crap at taking photos --- so some of the museum ones aren't the best quality

nici is really happy cos she has two really coool coats now :D she brought them from zara ... and me happy toooo now that i have two coats ....

thats allllll for now - cant wait until this tour is finished ... me and nici have a talk to do for this trip; its at the end of the three weeks; apart from an essay due at the end of feb, its the only piece of assessment we have - we are doing ours on fashion - comparing the 1st and 2nd empire (i tihnk i have already told u this)??

oh and i remember where we walked today -- somehere around mont martre ...

um um um 18888 MINUTES UNTIL DINNER :)

im going to go annoy nici and go get dinner early so so hungry


Tags: Scams & Robberies



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