Monday night came and we were both very nervous and excited about taking part in our first healing ceremony with Ayahuasca, ´Vine of the Soul".
We meet the infamous shaman Percy Garcia, featured in a BBC documentary called Tribe. He was a lovely man with high regard for his practice.
We had a flower bath, in the river while he poured scented herbs and oils over us. Then we returned at dark for the ceremony.
We each drank the cup and layed down awaiting the nights events. Both Carlos and Percy sang beautiful Icaros songs of healing, played Digereedoos while we layed back, occassionally purging everything in our poor stomach...later it would be the other end which would act as our drainage!
The night went well, our visions were beautiful and engaging yet subtle and fragile. Other perging would easily distract...Carlos´ beautiful healing and songs individualy performed for each of us were breath taking and simply a one of a kind experience...
Wednesdays ceremony was a bit of a disapointment as a few new comers had not shown the curtousy and respect mother ayahuasca deserved. The vibe was a little off, even Percy was not himself and we hardly had any visions, yet the perging continued.
By this stage we were questioning everything,as the ceremony still didnt seem to have the impact on us we were hoping. We continued to relax and enjoy the suroundings. Especially the daily baths in the healing waters running under the Centre.
Friday came and we were sad but feeling extremely positive. Aaron decided to try a complete no food diet and drink only Garlic tea, as it was said to hold deeper visons and healing.
Our new friends were sad to see us go and were really positive for our last night which turned out to be a cracker!!! Percy offered us a much stronger dose of his special brew, and Aaron was exstatic about the propersition, we had obtained the privelege to endulge.
What a night!! The magical experience is too hard to put into words. The songs were played in all sorts of weird and amazing instruments and lasted for hours. Mother Ayahuasca visited us in full force and revealed the inner wealth of such an experience. Our whole bodies were electrified with love and the visions were nothing short of extrodinary.
It continued well after the ceremony until our alarm went off at 4.30am!!! to begin our labourous trudge to the airport for more taxes to Ecuador..Quito.