Well, before I get back to telling you what all we have been doing, let me say thanks for the comments. we love reading them. This article or story will update you on our day yesterdaz and then I will do another for today. So, yesterday we got up in Florence and went to see David. It trulz is one of the most amazing pieces of art i have ever seen. It is unbelievable. And everzone enjoyed it. After that we went to the Duomo and just looked around briefly and took some more pictures. We all agreed the inside just does not even compare to the other cathedrals we have toured and every one seemed itching to go, so we didnät go in the Duomo or the Baptistrz or Campinelle. We did go to the market and do some shopping. A lot of the guyz got some good ties for a bargain. I got a purse. Oh how I love to haggle on prices. . . I went back to this one guz 2 times to finallz get the price I wanted. We had a good time. And it started raining while on the waz to the market so it was a good daz for a lot of train travel. We finished shopping and had lunch and grabbed our bags to head to Milan. We got on the train and made it to Milan at 17:00 . . . later than we wanted. We had hoped to be there earlier so we could see the Duomo, but we thought, we have an hour and a half. we can do it. . . well, traveling with 11 takes longer with everything you do. So, we see the Duomo, which is incredible. . . it is one of the 4 lrget in Europe. It has a nail that nailed Jesus to the cross there. . . just an incredible place. Everyone enjoyed it. And agreed it was worth the hop off the train to see it. But. . .we were cutting it close to get back to the train station and catch our 18:25 train. . . so we get off the metro at the main station and start running, literallz, sprinting to the train station. . . at some point, i hear the ole miss fight song ringing out. . . i was laughing so hard, i could hrdlz run. At any rate, we miss it buy 5 minutes or less. . . so we get on the next train to Spiez, Switzerland and make it there, and then have to take a bus to Interlaken, which we take with 4 other Southerners from Arkansas. . . 2 of which are ridicuously drunk. poor things. . . we laughed and laughed as thez tried to talk to us. But we made it to Balmers and everyone loved it. This is probably THE hostel in Europe. It is what every other hostel wants to be and models itself after. It was the first time we all slept in true dorm rooms and separated from each other, but I think everyone loved it. Just another part of the experience that you try to explain, but never can until someone actuallz experiences it themselves. So, we all got here and settled in and got ready for today.
More later on todaz. I think we are about to go eat and I am running out of internet time. Also, I have found out that this computer doesnät have a USB so I cannot upload pictures, but after dinner I am going to find an internet place that does so I can upload pictures and write about today.
So until a few more hours. . .