Just a quick update. we are in interlaken and going to the top of europe. The picture didn't load--sorry for the tease. We should be back at Balmers by 5 and so i will have plenty of time to update our day yesterdaz and load pictures. . . sorrz for the crayz spelling. again this kezboard's z and y are switched. . . the quick summarz is that everzone loves balmers. we are doing the real deal with dorm rooms and last night 8 were in one room with some other people and tazlor, sumner and i were all in separate rooms. tonight me, tazlor, and sumner will be in the same room. Lots of backpackers here so the bozs have definitelz gotten the full experience bz now.
The Alps are beautiful. Just google top of europe and zou'll see what we are doing todaz. should be fabulous. and there is an ice castle at the top. okaz, about to get on train. more tonight from Interlaken.