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Adventures with Alisha

Trip: Teaching English in Xi'an

There are [21] stories from my trip: Teaching English in Xi'an

The Aftershock of Coming Home

USA | Tuesday, 18 Oct 2011 | Views [528]

Many people choose to go on amazing trips that enrich their perspectives, take a break from the mundane, and evaluate their lives from a distance.  Most times, these cross-cultural experiences lead to opening your mind in an entirely new way, and it ... Read more >

Tags: coming home, cultural shock, reality

Shanghai: Modern Beauty!

CHINA | Friday, 7 Oct 2011 | Views [820]

As troublesome as Beijing is, Shanghai is a completely tourist friendly city, and you don't even need to sign up for any tours!  My friend and I brought a Shanghai tourist book and managed to self-navigate around the entire city through the subway ... Read more >

Tags: china, relationships, shanghai, subway, touring, valentines day

Teaching English vs. Special Needs

CHINA | Tuesday, 2 Aug 2011 | Views [943]

As you know, I came to Xi'an to teach English at Xi Kai Bao Yu Yuan for the summer.  My school closed this past Friday for summer break and I got relocated to a special needs center for my last few days of my stay. First, let me say, I loved teaching ... Read more >

Tags: china, kids, special needs, teaching english, values

Beijing: Historical Fantasy Land or Danger Zone?

CHINA | Tuesday, 2 Aug 2011 | Views [1162]

Last week, I decided to take some time off and go to Beijing to visit the wondrous China that we all seem to have some fantasy image of in our minds...the Great Wall, food markets, many people, soldiers marching in Tiananmen, etc.  Was I expecting ... Read more >

Tags: beijing, china, dangerous traveling, foreigners, great wall, money

The Muslim Quarters

CHINA | Monday, 18 Jul 2011 | Views [587]

You know something insanely surprising?  There are many Chinese Muslims.  I think most people are under the impression that most Chinese are atheist if anything, and if they do follow some sort of religion, it's either Buddhism or Christianity.  However, ... Read more >

Tags: bargaing, china, xian

KTV: Sing, Sing, Sing

CHINA | Monday, 18 Jul 2011 | Views [1194]

Alright, whenever I think of karaoke, I think of Koreans.  Stereotype or not, those people love to sing to music videos with their favorite words of their favorite songs on cushy couches and tone-enhanced microphones.  No joke. So when we to go karaoke, ... Read more >

Tags: china, ktv, singing, xian

Chinese KFC

CHINA | Wednesday, 13 Jul 2011 | Views [1082]

When I first got here, lots of teachers at my school asked me whether I liked KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) or not.  I was a bit confused because to say the least, KFC is one of the least popular fast foods in America.  However, in China, it is really ... Read more >

Tags: americanization, china, economics, kfc

Linking Arms: Cute, Immature, or a Violation of Space?

CHINA | Monday, 11 Jul 2011 | Views [3643]

Something odd, exciting, and a bit surprising about Chinese culture is that the girls (and sometimes boys) often hold hands or link arms while they are walking in public.  This symbolizes that you are good friends with the person.  Often, younger ... Read more >

Tags: china, friendship, girls, holding hands, linking arms, personal space, shopping, xian

Steam and a Burned Foot

CHINA | Friday, 8 Jul 2011 | Views [1706]

You know those holes in the ground, with metal lids on top of them that you only see policemen enter into on the tv shows?  Yes, well, in China, steam actually comes out of these holes in the ground (that are located on main roads).  In America, I'm ... Read more >

Tags: burn, china, roads, steam, xian

The Chinese 3

CHINA | Wednesday, 6 Jul 2011 | Views [1710]

After two weeks in China, I have reformed the way I demonstrate the number 3 using my hands.  In America, if we want to show 3, we hold up our first, middle, and ring finger in a W shape.  In China, they make a circle with their thumb and first finger, ... Read more >

Tags: china, communication, hand gestures, xian

Terracotta Warriors!

CHINA | Tuesday, 5 Jul 2011 | Views [2187]

Anyone who has researched anything at all about Xi'an will know that it is famous for two things: the Big Wild Goose Pagoda and the Terracotta Warriors.  I was super psyched to see the first army of Terracotta Warriors that were ever discovered in the ... Read more >

Tags: china, terracotta warriors, xian

Silk, Silk, Silk

CHINA | Tuesday, 5 Jul 2011 | Views [1259]

In Xi'an, on my way to the Terracotta Warriors, our tour group stopped at a silk museum and witnessed the process of how silk was made on the ever-famous Silk Road.   All I have to say is that it's amazing how something so beautiful can be made out of ... Read more >

Tags: china, silk, xian

Working Out in China

CHINA | Tuesday, 5 Jul 2011 | Views [1006] | Comments [1]

Yesterday, my host sister and I decided to go "work out" because that's a healthy thing to do no matter where you are in the world.  However, I was flummoxed because I hadn't seen any gyms around and never anyone really running on the streets ... Read more >

Tags: china, exercise, public parks, xian

Journey to the East Peak of Hua Shan!

CHINA | Tuesday, 28 Jun 2011 | Views [1182]

On Saturday night, me and the rest of the volunteers teaching English in Xi'an had the brilliant idea to go on a "mountain hike."  What did we end up with?  A mountain climb to Dong Feng (the East Peak) of Hua Mountain in a two hour bus ride ... Read more >

Tags: china, hua mountain, hua shan, mountain

One Week in China

CHINA | Monday, 27 Jun 2011 | Views [533]

After a week in Xi'an, and teaching little kids English, here are the things I've quickly picked up: Little Chinese kids are adorable, even if they are beating you up.  Period. China has food everywhere.  How do the little shops make money?  They ... Read more >

Tags: china, food, weather, xian

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