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There are [16] photos and [7] stories about Malaysia

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7th September. Day 6

Tuesday, 8 Sep 2015 | Views [238]

After the worst nights sleep thanks to the group outside my room shouting until 4am I woke up at 9 and got ready for a day of walking around Georgetown looking at the sights. Breakfast was at my favourite café Wheelers coffee which sells great ... Read more >

Tags: black kettle, georgetown, street art, wheelers coffee

6th September. Day 5

Tuesday, 8 Sep 2015 | Views [298]

My time in the Highlands had come to an end. I loved my time here where wearing a jumper was necessary, the misty morning tea and the small town feeling where you pretty much recognised everyone. I'd highly recommend everyone to come to this beautiful ... Read more >

Tags: bus journeys, food court, penang

5th September. Day 4

Saturday, 5 Sep 2015 | Views [343]

Woke up sore and stiff this morning so decided a tour of the highlights was in order, I'd also rubbed the back of my heel from the trek so I felt pretty reluctant to but my trainers on again. A very British breakfast of baked beans on toast and I was ... Read more >

Tags: butterflies, rose garden, tea plantation, temple

Photos: Malaysia

Friday, 4 Sep 2015 | Photo Gallery

Trekking and botanical gardens
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4th September. Day 3

Friday, 4 Sep 2015 | Views [357]

Trekking was the order of the day, Joyce told me about her amazing trek she did yesterday and so I was itching to get out in the fresh air, away from buildings, bikes and noise. I woke up at 9am had an Indian breakfast of strawberry pancake and a mango ... Read more >

Tags: getting lost, snakes, tanah rata, trekking

3rd September. Day 2

Friday, 4 Sep 2015 | Views [306]

As predicted I had a nice sleep in Ipoh but my clock told me it was time to pack up and head over to the Cameron Highlands. A quick dash to the bus station and I hopped on board the 116 to the bus station I arrived at yesterday where I was met with a ... Read more >

Tags: strawberries, tanah rata

2nd September. Day 1

Wednesday, 2 Sep 2015 | Views [304]

5:30am my alarm rang to begin this little trip of mine. A few grumbles from Helen and fumbles of final packing done I said goodbye to my best buddy and set off.   Saigon airport was chocker-block full of holidaymakers in their best outfits (I ... Read more >

Tags: ipoh



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