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2009 Worldnomads.com Travel Documentary Scholarship

WORLDWIDE | Tuesday, 31 March 2009 | Views [68644] | Comments [69]


Go on assignment to Vietnam and have your video documentary broadcast on Nat Geo Adventure!


Mai Chau Valley, Vietnam Medical Trek


- Applications are now closed -

Kick start your documentary career by going on assignment deep into the Mai Chau Valley with documentary producer Trent O'donnell(who filmed the Positive Footprints screened on Nat Geo Adventure Channel). Trekking with a team of 20 volunteer doctors who will be providing vital medical services to remote hill tribes, you will create your own short video documentary.

The lucky scholarship recipient will have their documentary considered for broadcast on Nat Geo Adventure! That's right - the holy grail that documentary makers work their whole lives to achieve, could be yours now!

Your assignment brief

* We'll fly you to Vietnam from your country of residence. You will join a Buffalo Tours trek with a team of volunteer doctors deep into the picturesque Mai Chau Valley. Their mission is to set up temporary health clinics to provide vital medical services to remote hill tribes, many of whom have never seen a Doctor before. Your mission is to tell their story.

* You need to be available between August 22 and September 2, 2009 to participate on the Medical Trek.

* Under the mentorship of documentary film-maker Trent O'donnell you will shoot a video documentary about the Medical Trek.

* You will keep a daily diary about your time on the trip and upload this plus pictures you've taken to your World Nomads travel journal.

* You will edit together your 3 minute documentary and submit it to Nat Geo Adventure and World Nomads within 2 months of your return.


Assignment Location

Mai Chau is the heart of a beautiful valley that is a world away from the hustle of Hanoi, a verdant landscape of tapioca and sugar cane fields, and lush rice paddies. The stunning area is home to the ethnic White Thai, distantly related to tribes in Thailand, Laos and China.


Who can apply

* Anyone can apply - this is open to film students, lovers of film or anyone who's trying to build a career in documentary making!

* Minimum age 18 with a current passport.

* You should be a mad-keen auteur with a lust for adventure and a desire to enhance your documentary filmmaking skills.

* You must be fit, healthy, and excited by the prospect of trekking up to 7 hours a day!

Apply now

If you want it, you've got to show it. To apply you need to:

1. Compile a 3 minute (or less) video documentary in English based around the theme; 'Journey into an Unknown Culture'. 'Journey' is open to interpretation and may involve somewhere you have travelled or a journey of a more personal nature. The documentary may be compiled from previous travel video you've shot.

It's up to you to convince our judging panel through your video that you have the spirit for adventure and passion for filmmaking to be chosen for this scholarship. Our judging panel will be looking for;

* The ability to convey a strong narrative within a short time-frame
* Originality
* A visually engaging story
* A candidate whose passion for documentary filmmaking makes them an obvious choice to benefit from this professional mentorship opportunity.

2. Upload your video : Go to Natgeoadventuretv.com.au, click on Blog Notes, sign up and follow the simple instructions to submit your video online. Don't forget to tag your video with 'World Nomads' when you upload it. You can only submit your entry in one of the following formats: MOV, AVI, WMV, MPG, FLV, with a maximum size of max 25 MB.

3. Complete an application form : Copy & paste the URL of your uploaded video into the online application form and complete your personal details. You will also be asked to provide 200 words or less on why you should be awarded the World Nomads 2009 Travel Documentary Scholarship, and what this opportunity means to you? Your answer will provide considerable weight in the judging process.

4. One entry per person.

Watch Jambha. - our 2008 winner's documentary which is being broadcast on Nat Geo Adventure constantly over the coming months!

Applications close Sunday July 5, 2009.(Australian Easten Standard Time)





















1. Information on the scholarship prize and how to enter forms part of these conditions of entry. By applying for this scholarship you agree to be bound by these conditions of entry and all decisions of the scholarship promoter (World Nomads Group) which are final in all matters relating to the promotion. The scholarship and these conditions of entry are void where prohibited by law. Any changes to these conditions of entry will be published on the World Nomads website at www.worldnomads.com.

2. The promoter is World Nomads Group Ltd of Level 5, 24 York St, Sydney, NSW 2000.

3. Employees of World Nomads Group, Nat Geo Adventure, Buffalo Tours, their subsidiaries and affiliated companies, and members of their immediate families or households, are ineligible to apply for this scholarship.

4. Entry is free. No purchase necessary. You must be older than 18 to enter and hold a valid passport. To enter, submit an English language short film of less than three minutes in length on the theme "A Journey into an Unknown Culture”. You can submit your entry by doing the following:

a) Go to Natgeoadventuretv.com.au, click on Blog Notes, sign up and follow the simple instructions to submit your video online. Don't forget to tag your video with 'World Noamds' when you upload it. You can only submit your entry in one of the following formats: MOV,AVI,WMV,MPG,FLV , with the maximum size of max 25 MB

b) Go to http://journals.worldnomads.com/scholarships/post/19299.aspx and follow the directions to fill out the application form and tell us in English in 200 words or less why you should be chosen as the 2009 Travel Documentary Scholarship recipient.

5. The scholarship entries can be submitted from 9.00am AEST on April 6 2009 and entries close at 11.59pm Australian Eastern Standard Time on July 5 2009. Entries are deemed to be received at the time of receipt by World Nomads and World Nomads records are conclusive as to the time of receipt. All dates are subject to change if necessary in World Nomads discretion.

6. The Scholarship recipient will be selected by a panel of three judges including one independent judge judging the best overall entry from a review of all eligible entries. The best overall entry will best interpret both "A Journey into an Unknown Culture" and best articulate why the author of the entry should be awarded the 2009 World Nomads Travel Documentary Scholarship. The selection will be conducted at World Nomads Group Limited of Level 5, 24 York St, Sydney, NSW 2000 over the week commencing Monday 6th July 2009. The judges' decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into, including in the event of a dispute. Chance plays no part in determining the successful scholarship recipient. The successful applicant will receive the following;

- 11 day Medical Trek in the Mai Chau Village in Vietnam with Buffalo Tours and mentorship from World Nomads documentary filmmaker, Trent O’donnell.
- trip includes all meals, internal transfers & transport, services of tour leadr throughout, accommodation based on twin share and homestay.
- Return Economy airfares from nearest major international airport to project destination organised by World Nomads Group.

7. The scholarship recipient must produce / edit a video documentary on their own equiment of 3 minutes in duration, post participating on the Medical Trek. This documentary must focus on the Medical Trek and the impact it has on the local community. The recipient must then submit this documentary to World Nomads Group no later than 2 months after returning from the Medical trek. The scholarship recipient must also keep a daily travel diary and upload diary entries ( no less than 200 words per daily entry) to the World Nomads website, via an online travel journal, no later than 2 weeks after returning from the Buffalo Tours trek.

8. The Scholarship recipient will be notified by email and the recipient's name will be published on the World Nomads and Natgeoadventuretv websites within 14 days after selection.

9. If the Scholarship recipient is not immediately identifiable or contactable World Nomads Group will make reasonable efforts to identify and/or contact the Scholarship recipient. If the Scholarship recipient has not accepted the prize by 25 July 2009, the next best entry will be selected as scholarship recipient.

10. No responsibility is accepted for late, lost or misdirected mail or any errors or failures in internet or other communications. World Nomads reserves the right to cancel or modify the scholarship promotion if, in its sole discretion, the administration of the scholarship promotion is impaired for technical or other reasons beyond its reasonable control and, in such an event, may select the Scholarship recipient from all valid entries received prior to the impairment.

11. Scholarship prize consists of:

- 11 day Medical Trek in the Mai Chau Village in Vietnam (valued at AU$2400)
- Return Economy airfares from nearest major international airport to project destination organised by World Nomads. (valued at approx. AU$2500)
- Travel Insurance (valued at approx. AU$150)

Total value of prize is approximately AU$$5050

12. The value of the prize is accurate at the date of commencement of the scholarship promotion. World Nomads Group accepts no responsibility for any variation in the value of the prize after that date. The prize cannot be refunded, transferred, substituted or redeemed for cash. World Nomads reserves the right in its sole discretion to substitute the prize with cash or a prize of comparable value if the prize cannot be awarded as described for any reason.

13. The scholarship recipient will be responsible for all personal expenses and any other expenses, fees and costs connected with the prize that are not included in the prize description. The scholarship recipients are also responsible for all transportation to the point of departure, including accommodation costs prior to and following the travel dates in order to meet flight connections and any tips/gratuity during the trek.

14. The scholarship recipient must hold valid passports. Entry visas will be organised 14 days in advance.

15. The scholarship recipient agrees that acceptance of the prize by the scholarship recipient is conditional upon compliance with all relevant laws, rules and regulations and upon the scholarship recipient releasing World Nomads Group, Nat Geo Adventure, Buffalo Tours and their affiliates, subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees and agents, from any and all liability, claims, demands and causes of action for any personal injury or other loss or damage (including but not limited to indirect or consequential loss) suffered in connection with the acceptance or use of the prize, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law. World Nomads Group reserves the right to disqualify the scholarship recipient at its absolute discretion in the event of non-compliance or the failure to provide such releases.

16. As the author of your entry, you warrant that your entry is original and your own work.

17. It will be a condition of entry that both scholarship applicants and the scholarship recipient will grant a non exclusive copyright license to World Nomads Group, Nat Geo Adventure and Buffalo Tours to reproduce the work for subsequent promotion of the World Nomads Travel Scholarships. You can view World Nomads' privacy policy at http://www.worldnomads.com/privacy.aspx



I am looking forward to this.....; )

Thank you,


  Gaurav Dhwaj Khadka Apr 6, 2009 3:39 PM


me too.

BIG thanks,


  Laughlin Apr 12, 2009 12:10 PM


This is a great idea. Thank you.


  Andrew Apr 15, 2009 10:29 PM


I will apply for sure,

  Milena May 11, 2009 4:31 PM



  MICHAEL OWUSU May 17, 2009 2:56 AM


Hi, this is salman, i am very much excited to participate in this program. I want to know the condition of english base film actually. i have already made few documentaries which are in my local language and i have subtitle for that. do i have to shoot something having language in English. confirm please.

  Salman Sirhindi NCA Lahore May 19, 2009 3:40 AM


what a great idea, thanks.

  danny May 19, 2009 4:40 AM


Hi Salman,
Thanks for your comment. For your application video, it would be fine to submit in your local language, providing everything is subtitled in English. However if you were to win the scholarship, you would need to shoot the documentary in English.

Hope this helps.

Amanda Byrne
Global Programs Manager

  scholarships May 20, 2009 12:26 PM


Thank you AMANDA!!

  Salman Sirhindi NCA Lahore May 23, 2009 6:34 AM


Wow!!! I'm from Vietnam.
It's so great that National Geography chose Vietnam as your destination. Mai Chau valley is extremely beautiful with natural scene.
I wish everyone good luck and get the scholarship.
I'm looking forward to see you in Vietnam and your film afterward. :)

  Thu Trang Nguyen May 27, 2009 1:19 AM


why do u need to be 18!! that suckkkkks that is not allowing younger people achieve great thing!

  Isabella May 28, 2009 7:54 AM


Hi Isabella,

We set the age at 18 for safety reasons as we have a certain duty of care. The scholarship recipient is required to travel on their own and pretty much look after themselves on the road which we think requires a certain level of life experience and maturity.

Of course this is not to say that everyone under the age of 18 is not capable of doing this, but we do feel that 18 is a reasonable cut-off age for applicants who are looking to further progress their career in documentary making.

I hope you are not put off - and apply in the future when you reach 18!

Amanda Byrne
Global Programs Manager

  scholarships May 28, 2009 3:28 PM


I don't understand!!!!

  khthuy May 28, 2009 3:43 PM


I am a local and I love joining this. How can I apply to be a volunteer? I have lots of experiences in community services, used to join YMCA Vietnam. My English communication skill is superb.
My cellphong number is 84 906 806 019 for your interview at anytime.
Thank you,

  Thao Jun 2, 2009 3:24 AM


I was just wondering, will you be supplying the winner with camera gear?
Or will they have to bring their own equipment to the trip?

  Tony Jun 2, 2009 12:37 PM


I'd love to know where I can get information on the 'doctoring' part of the journey.


  Dr Bruce Moon Jun 3, 2009 12:09 AM


Im very interested in participating. Im from Colombia, Southamerica. Are there any country restriction for participating?
Thanks a lot for your attention.

  David Covo Jun 3, 2009 1:31 AM


Hi, I am a little confused about the maximum size the video file can be? I've read in these terms and conditions that the max is 15MB, but then when you follow the link to national geographic tv and click on 'blog notes' like it says, the website says a max of 25MB. I've already edited my video and it's 19MB so I'm hoping 25 is the go... If not, are there any ideas of how I can achieve this limit?


  Justine Jun 4, 2009 12:58 PM


Hi, will answer the last few questions in the one post;

1. in regards to the Doctoring part of the trip - the trek and on the ground coordination is run by Buffalo Tours in Vietnam but the health care program is put together by the Seattle Community Colleges. Perhaps you could contact them directly if you are after specific information?

2. Applications are open to people from any country.

3. Yes, Nat Geo have increased the file size to 25MB, so you will be fine. Thanks for pointing out, will update in the terms and conditions.

  scholarships Jun 4, 2009 2:13 PM


thanks, that's great to hear

  Justine Jun 4, 2009 4:41 PM


i love the site its really practical and adventurous

   ronnie Jun 4, 2009 6:51 PM


you guys are great keep going we need your work thanks for the site....

  RONNIE +256636767 Jun 4, 2009 6:56 PM


I love this thrilling adventure opportunity. It is a great break from the monotonous routine of the city

  PAMELA K. MWILA Jun 5, 2009 4:08 PM


Hi, I was wondering when the music will be ready on the national geographic website for us to use in our docos? I didn't realise we couldn't use copyrighted music and then credit it at the end of the clip?

  Justine Jun 7, 2009 9:12 PM


Wow, this is actually what I'm looking for. I've been planning to go to Vietnam next year with my friends, but it will be nice to go with another people too

  felicirea Jun 9, 2009 6:30 PM



Is there anyway we can update our application?

Thank you

  Jay Jun 11, 2009 4:09 AM


Im very interested in participating;)
How can I apply to be a volunteer?

Thanks a lot for your attention.

  kooka kilzer Jun 11, 2009 5:40 PM


Hola! It's a thrilling adventure for me as a nurse if I could win and had a chance to join the travel, I like to help other people and I love community service... I really wanted to join... I love Photography and Documentaries, learning and discovering others world, culture and traditions... this fits to me... But the language english ( I'm not that proficient when it comes to speaking)but I know I can do this... better start now! Mabuhay!

  melvin boie torres Jun 11, 2009 7:36 PM


I am interested to apply for this scholarship. How can I ?

  Jay prakash Chaudhary Jun 13, 2009 8:04 PM


I am a documentary film maker with many awards in journalistic excellence from India- at present living in Ho Chi Min city in Vietnam.I have twenty years of experience in making documentaries and have made serials for Turner International. I have done also extensive camera work for other documentary film makers.I have my own PD 150 and am very interested in this project. I would like to attach my CV for your consideration.

Do let me know how- Thanks


  charu Jun 15, 2009 9:48 PM


Hello Charu and Jay,

Al the information on how to apply (by submitting a short documentary and application form) is outlined in the above post.

Best of luck,

Global Programs Manager

  scholarships Jun 16, 2009 8:36 AM



  ayyub Jun 19, 2009 12:24 AM


Is it alright if our video entry was created from raw footage that we did not shoot ourselves? I mean if for example a friend or someone else shot some travel footage, can we use that in our entry?

  Justin Jun 21, 2009 2:17 AM


Greetings, I am interested in doing the task not for the prize but for the adventure and once in a lifetime experience. I made documentary videos for information dessimination regarding government projects and tourism. I'll try to complete the process of application as well as uploading my videos.

I wish to get involve with your project and more power!


  Anthony Stephen Acepcion Jun 25, 2009 11:25 AM


Hi Justin,

No, it must be your own footage. You need to be able to demonstrate your skills in producing your own documentary which includes filming. It would be difficult for the judges to asses you if it is someone else's work.


Amanda Byrne
Global Programs Manger

  scholarships Jun 25, 2009 12:21 PM



I realize that the video submission needs to be in English. Can it be subtitled to English?

Thanks so much.

  M M Jun 26, 2009 4:03 AM


Exist any problem if i use music with copyright in my application video?

  Felipe Jun 26, 2009 10:46 AM


can we get someone else to do the voiceover for our short documentary if the person submitting the documentary created everything else?

Thank you,


  Taylor Roesch Jun 27, 2009 8:11 AM


Hi Amanda, is there anyway I can modify the video clip on the website? I've made a mistake in the one I uploaded and need to change something

  Justine Jun 27, 2009 7:50 PM


Hi there. I am a professional photographer and I would love to apply to this scholarship. Would that be possible? (I make also animation with my own pictures as well, but I have never worked on film project before.) Any way to find out about
Travel Photography Scholarship 2009? I haven't been able to find a way to apply to that on your website... Please help me! Thank you!

  Namiko Jun 28, 2009 2:07 PM


Hi all ,

In answer to your last few questions;

1. Submission can be subtitled in English, this is fine.
2. You cannot use music with copyright (unless you get approval of course).
3. Someone else can do narration, providing it is clear that it is not you personally narrating.
4. The 2009 Photography Scholarship will be open July 5, so check back to the site then. The scholarship program is open to non-professionals, so this may not be the right opportunity if you are professional.

Thanks and good luck everyone...only 7 days to go!

Amanda Byrne
Global Programs Manager

  scholarships Jun 29, 2009 11:24 AM


I'm a journalist in New York City and I'm having trouble compressing my 3 minute entry to your specs. Anything smaller than 48MB seems to be less than viewable. Is there any chance an administrator of the scholarship might be able to contact me with any ideas. I want the judging panel to be able to see the images. My email is cglorioso@tribune.com

  Chris Jun 30, 2009 1:13 PM


Hi there,
My video is 3 minutes exactly, but with some short credits at the end it runs over - how strict is the 3 minute guideline?

  Leon McCarron Jun 30, 2009 10:32 PM


Hi Leon,

3 minutes is guide, you wont be penalised for going a few seconds over.

Amanda Byrne
Global Programs Manager

  scholarships Jul 1, 2009 10:10 AM


Just came across this amazing opportunity of a lifetime. What an experience this would be. Everything about this prize I love. Filming, telling the story, helping people, visiting new cultures and producing a documentary.

Perfect, must must must enter!

  Craig Jul 1, 2009 8:24 PM


I hope this email finds you well. I am having a lot of difficulty compressing my 3 minute documentary into the parameters your contest requires. The video was shot on XDCAM, and therefore is fully HD. It is just impossible to get it down to the 25 MB limit. Is there some alternate way I can get it to you? Perhaps sending it on a dvd? Please let me know just as soon as you get this email, as time is expiring quickly.

Many thanks for the opportunity to be a part of such a wonderful experience!



  chris Jul 2, 2009 3:46 AM


Hi Amanda,

I was wondering if you could clarify what deems someone a professional and non-professional film maker?

Many thanks


  Jessica Jul 2, 2009 2:53 PM


Hi Jessica,

This is scholarship which provides a mentoring and learning opportunity for someone trying to start a a career in the field of documentary making. It wont really suit those people who are already working in the field on a regular basis and who have plenty of experience as we feel they won't get the full beneft from what we are offering.

There are no hard and fast rules about this as we appreciate it is bit of a grey area. A strong desire to learn and improve your skills is crucial and we leave it the individual after reading about this opportunity as to whether they think they are a good candidate.

Hope this helps, best of luck.

  scholarships Jul 2, 2009 4:26 PM


Just a quick question, what happens to the rights of the mini documentaries that we send in to be considered in the competition.

Thanks for your help


  dan Jul 2, 2009 6:38 PM


sorry just another question, it says that it must be english language based - does this mean that you cannot translate another language and use subtitles?



  Dan Jul 2, 2009 6:45 PM


Hi Dan,

Yes it can be subtitled in English, this is fine.

Clause 17 of the T&C's outlines copyright. Basically you retain ownership, you just grant us a non-exclusive right to use the material in direct relation to promotion of the scholarship program. For example we promoted last year's shortlisted films from our website.

You should also read the terms and condition of Nat Geo when uploading to Blognotes.

Amanda Byrne

  scholarships Jul 2, 2009 8:04 PM


halo soy uriel de leon el sobrino de efren solo paso a saludarte espero que nos veamos pronto y vuena suerte

  uriel mauricio vargas cisneros Jul 3, 2009 11:56 AM


Just a quick technical query, if anyone could help me Id really appreciate it!
My film is 24 megabytes, and in Quick Time Movie format (.mov) so it should be fine to be uploaded. However, when I try to, it goes through the whole uploading process, and once it reaches 100% it just says 'system could not find specified file." - Any ideas why? I have no idea!



  Leon McCarron Jul 3, 2009 8:31 PM


Hi Leon,
make sure there are no spaces or funny characters in the filename, and that the filename isn't too long - they could all make a server not be able to correctly find a file. Keep it short & simple eg: 'mymovie.mov' Hope that helps.

  stowaway Jul 3, 2009 9:49 PM



I have the same problem, even when the file name is simple. I hope the server is ok this weekend...


  Andrew Jul 4, 2009 11:03 AM


Hi all,

If you cannot upload to blognotes on Nat Geo Tv due to technical difficulties I will accept entries emailed to me directly;


  scholarships Jul 4, 2009 12:52 PM


Hi Amanda,

I tried numerous times yesterday and today to upload my .mov clip onto the Nat Geo site. An error kept popping up saying that the "system could not find the specified file".

I just tried emailing you my film clip submission. It seemed to have gotten bounced back.

Please let me know if you received my entry. If not, please direct on how I should submit my entry?


  Grace Jul 5, 2009 2:20 AM


Hi Amanda,
I reposted a newer version of my film that I would like used for the 2009 World Nomads Scholarship. It is all original footage. The first version contains a few shots that were not shot by me. I didn't realize this was against the rules until I reread them late last night. I have since reposted and my new post reads Journey to Burma (FINAL VERSION), and contains only original footage, but the URL in my application will direct the judges to the first version. Can you look at the newest version for judging purposes? I caught the mistake and corrected it. Feel free to take down the first Journey to Burma posting. Both are under the username aoppenhei. I'll email you to let you know as well.
Thank you! Sorry for the confusion. Please let me know you got this if possible. Thanks so much!
-Andrew (aoppenhei)

  andrew Jul 5, 2009 5:31 AM


Hi Amanda,
I reposted a newer version of my film that I would like used for the 2009 World Nomads Scholarship. It is all original footage. The first version contains a few shots that were not shot by me. I didn't realize this was against the rules until I reread them late last night. I have since reposted and my new post reads Journey to Burma (FINAL VERSION), and contains only original footage, but the URL in my application will direct the judges to the first version. Can you look at the newest version for judging purposes? I caught the mistake and corrected it. Feel free to take down the first Journey to Burma posting. Both are under the username aoppenhei. I'll email you to let you know as well.
Thank you! Sorry for the confusion. Please let me know you got this if possible. Thanks so much!
-Andrew (aoppenhei)

  andrew Jul 5, 2009 6:13 AM


Hi Amanda,

I just sent you an email regarding this issue. I am still not able to upload/post my submission for World Nomads 2009
final 23MB .mov file "They Are My People" onto the NatGeo site, due to
technical problems on the webiste. I have uploaded the same 23MB .mov
file onto Vimeo, since the email I sent you with the file attached got
bounced back to me.


Please confirm that you are able to view my video clip on Vimeo.


  Grace Jul 5, 2009 7:15 AM


Hi Amanada,

I have had the same difficulties after many attempts at uploading. My email to you bounced back as well.

My video can be viewed at the following addresses:


or on my website

(click Andrews Website, then Film - 1000 Clicks)

Thank you for considering my film. I would appreciate a confirmation as well please.

Andrew Lynch

  Andrew Lynch (aepontheroad) Jul 5, 2009 7:31 AM


and sorry for the typo...Amanda :)

  Andrew Lynch (aepontheroad) Jul 5, 2009 7:32 AM


I am experiencing the same problem with the "error" uploads. I've had many tries at it and it refuses to upload. I am wondering if the server is overloaded or experiencing tech difficulties. Is there a work-around for this glitch and can we redirect the natgeo.tv upload url in our application to another webhost?

  Christine Jul 5, 2009 7:55 PM


Hi, I am having the same problem since yesterday. I can not upload the video with only couple of hours left.Can you please tell me another way/link or email I can use.

sara abou bakr

  sara abou bakr Jul 5, 2009 8:43 PM


Hi All,

Apologies for the technical difficulties you have all been experiencing, I can imagine this must be very frustrating so close to deadline!

Nat Geo TV are looking into the problem but in the meantime as mentioned in my previous post I will accept videos emailed to me directly (amanda@worldnomads.com) or hosted on your preferred site (e.g Youtube or Vimeo et)

Just make sure you include the link or directions to your video.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Amanda Byrne
Global Programs Manager

  scholarships Jul 5, 2009 8:55 PM


Hi Amanda,
Your email is overloaded. It refuses to receive any new emails. Please advise.

sara abou bakr

  sara abou bakr Jul 5, 2009 9:07 PM


Hi Sara

I seem to be receiving emails fine, perhaps the file you are sending me is too large,

Are you able to host your video somewhere else if you cannot up load to Nat Geo? Perhaps try youtube or Vimeo.

Apologies for the difficulty.

  scholarships Jul 5, 2009 9:13 PM


Apologies from Nat Geo Adventure

Unfortunately, some users have been experiencing problems with uploading videos.

Most video formats (indicated in Tool Kit) and video sizes below 25MB were uploaded successfully, however some uploads have encountered a "server error".

After further tests we have found that the problem was with the bit rate and video resolution. The Nat Geo Adventure technical team is currently working on the problem. NGA is also going to allow for more video formats (avi, mpg, mpeg, xvid, divx, mov, qt, mp4, m4v, wmv) and increase video sizes to a maximum 100MB.

Once again Nat Geo Adventure apologies for any inconvenience caused. If there are any more questions please email info@natgeotv.com.au

  scholarships Jul 6, 2009 12:07 PM


who won!? i cant find it anywhere!

  benj binks Aug 5, 2009 10:15 PM

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