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modern japan...still ancient

modern japan...still ancient

Japan | Tuesday, January 1, 2013 | 5 photos

After graduate school I was finally able to throw myself into photography, a love of mine that had always taken the back burner. I found myself plunged into a hobby that gets my blood boiling and brightens my eyes.
I’m an international schoolteacher, teaching math and science around the world. Currently I’m stationed in the Czech Republic, taking every opportunity I can to travel, meet new people and experience new cultures and languages. Every place I visit I make sure to capture it with whichever camera I have on hand. Photos make memories. I imagine myself years from now able to look back on these photos and remember the amazing people I met along the way. Photos also share knowledge. I can present these images to anyone and everyone and try to show them the world, too. I come from a small town in southern USA where most people don’t go much further than the Wal-Mart down the road so to share my photos with friends and family they can see just how much is out there.
I guess what I love most about photography is capturing moments, especially candid ones. Because those are the “life” moments that I feel truly express humanity, something the world needs most right now.

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